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English For Journalists (Bacj 124)  Question Paper

English For Journalists (Bacj 124)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Choose the correct word or expression to complete the following sente

Question 1
It is difficult _______ the music at the back of the hall
a) Listening b) to hear
c) to listen to d) hearing e) to listen
Question 2
________ driven more slowly, he would not have crashed.
a) Were he b) If he hasn`t c) Has he
d) If he had e) If he has

Question 3
The batsman wore pads to _______ his legs
a) cover b) Insure c) Protect
d) Defend e) Strengthen

Question 4
I ________ for my school team for two years
a) Play b) Have been playing c) Am playing
d) Played e) Shall have played

Question 5
I hoped I ______ the right road
a) Have chosen b) had chosen c) Could choose
d) Chose e) Am Choosing

Rewrite The Following Sentences According To The Instructions Given After Each, Without Changing Meaning(10marks)

Question 1
He was conceited, but he had more friends than enemies.
Begin: Conceited _____________________

Question 2
He didn`t want to be considered disobedient, so he decided to treat his elders with deference.
Begin: Rather _____________________

Question 3
Koech fell off the ladder in surprise when he saw the Cheetah
Begin: The sight __________________

Question 4
The Safari driver signed in at Malaba check-point and was told that he had thirty minutes to spare. Begin: At Malaba ___________

Question 5
Mwikali looked upset. She didn`t look ill-tempered and antisocial.
Rewrite as one sentence using rather

Question 6
Planting cabbage on three acres didn`t earn Marsha as much money as her mother thought it would. Rewrite the sentence to end with than it did

Question 7
He did not begin to take a pride in his achievements until after international recognition.
Begin: It _________

Question 8
Margy had very little in the bank, which was stolen by frandsters , who had taken away her visa card. Begin: The little money ___________________

Question 9
Cactus have spine. The purpose is to protect the plant from hungry animals.
Rewrite using ______ which ______

Question 10
Johnny not only plays truant, but he is rude to his teacher, too.
Begin: Not only ___________


Question 1
Few of my family members really __________ me
a) Understand b) Understands c) Either of the above
d) None of the above

Question 2
Your contribution, in addition to other funds, ________ the success of our campaign.
a) Have been assuring b) Assures c) Assure
d) Were assuring

Question 3
By the time the sun ________, we had ________ nearly a hundred kilometres.
a) rised, drove b) raised, driven c) rose, driven
d) had raised, driven

Question 4
If you _______, you would have passed easily
a) Would have took my advice
b) Had taken my advice
c) Had taken my advise
d) Would have tan my advise

Question 5
The detective`s solution to the crime was __________ right
a) all together b) altogether
c) all too together d) together

Question 6
After trying hard several times, Kamau met _________ success.
a) Upon b) about c) With d) Up

Question 7
The police commissioner hinted _______ the possibility of arresting the criminals next week
a) to b) at c) on d) of

Question 8
Teacher Mwau insisted ______ finding out what each candidate wrote about during the examinations
a) at b) about c) on d) over

Question 9
The chief magistrate was accused of depriving the accused ______ human right.
a) from b) with c) over d) of

Question 10
Sheikh lives very close _____ the mosque.
a) from b) at c) to d) with

SECTION D Choose the correct sentence from each of the four sets below (10marks)

Question 1
a) in a baptist church
b) in a Baptist church
c) In a Baptist church
d) in a Baptist church

Question 2
“Before starting to write your ________ Juma advised.
a) article, plan what you are going to say,’
b) article plan what you are going to say,”
c) article. Plan what you are going to say.”
d) article plan what you are going to say,

Question 3
_________ stimulates the heart and raises bold pressure
a) Caffeine which is present, in both tea and coffee
b) Caffeine, which B present in both tea and coffee
c) Caffeine which is present in both, tea and coffee,
d) Caffeine, which is present in both tea and coffe,

Question 4
__________ it should be free of loose dirt and paint
a) Before you paint the surface of course,
b) Before you paint the surface, of course
c) Before you paint the surface of course
d) Before you paint the surface, of course,

Question 5
All the students _________________________
a) Students whose reports were not handed in failed
b) Students, who`s reports were not handed in failed
c) Students, whose reports were not handed in, failed
d) Students whose reports were not handed in, failed

Question 6
“When your reach the central Bus Station __________ a ticket for your up country trip.
a) “located near the Railway station,” Maria said, buy
b) located near the Railway station,” Maria said buy

Question 7
Every _________ his licence
a) Motorist, who is caught speeding, should loose
b) Motorist who is caught speeding, should loose
c) Motorist, who is caught speeding, should loose
d) Motorist who is caught speeding should loose

Question 8
Choose the expression with the correct punctuation
a) Anne and Betty`s responsibility
b) Commander in chief`s insignia
c) Editor-in-chief`s commentary
d) Post`s master-general`s office

Question 9
Which of these sentences is correctly punctuated?
a) However good Martin is in swimming he won`t be able to beat me I`m quite sure
b) However, good Martin is in swimming, he won`t be able to beat me, I`m quite sure
c) However good Martin is in swimming, he won`t be able to beat me I`m quite sure
d) However good Martin is in swimming, he won`t be able to beat me, I`m quite sure

Question 10
Which of these sentences is correctly punctuated?
a) “Did you ask the driver about the accident that happened in Eldoret”? asked Limo.
b) “Did you ask the driver about the accident that happened in Eldoret?” asked Limo.
c) “Did you ask the driver about the accident that happened in Eldoret?” asked Limo.
d) “Did you ask the driver about the accident that happened in Eldoret?,” asked Limo

Choose the word that is correctly used among the following sets

Question 1
a) definitly b) definately c) definitely d) difinately

Question 2
a) Conceintons b) consientius c) conscientious d) conscentons

Question 3
a) Precident b) presedent c) pricedent d) precedent

Question 4
a) Superentendent b) supirentendent c) superintendent
e) superintendant

Question 5
a) proffessional b) professional c) profesional
e) professional

Which of the following words or expressions best fills the gaps in the sentences below. (5marks)

Question 1
Jojo has been __________ that shirt for a week.
a) worn b) dressing on c) Wearing d) putting on

Question 2
Neither Ben nor Jane ________ homework on Sundays
a) do b) does c) are doing d) they`re

Question 3
If everyone does __________ share,
a) theirs b) his or hers c) their d) they`re

Question 4
Either you or your friends ________ to blame for the accident.
a) Is b) are c) been d) were

Question 5
Mutebi ________ finished the work within the allocated time if he was serious
a) Could b) can`t have c) could have d) could had

The story below has many errors . Read it, correct the mistakes and rewrite it in good grammar and ensure that it is logical and coherent. Kenya`s Medical Services Minister Anyang` Nyong`o was asked the donor community international financial support to end fight the country wide outbreak of measles that has killed up of more than 66 people and infected 2000 other people. Taita Taveta is the hardest hit with at least 500 cases record with over 604 deaths since January 2010, according to the Ministry of Health. Speaking under Mombasa Prof Nyongo said described the outbreaks as serious and good” and asked for foreign international money aid. Kenya lacks enough money to treat the ailment disease because it was not budget for, he said. The Ministry has opened measles treatment centres , it has provided free measles vaccines at all health facilities country wide. The united Nations (UN) reported that as of mid centre June 2010 measles was affected over 40,000 children in African countries resulting in 1931 deaths. Other countries affecting suffering by the disease include among others, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Swaziland, South Africa, Namibia and Lesotho. To eliminate ending the risk of measles, countries Kenya must give vaccinations every each two to four until their health-care systems can every time routinely provide two doses of measles vaccination to all children girls and boys and provide treatment for the disease,” Said Dr Luis Gomes Sambo, World Health Organization (WHO) regional director for Africa
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