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Introduction To Mass Media Research (Bacj 123)  Question Paper

Introduction To Mass Media Research (Bacj 123)  

Course:Communication And Journalism

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Briefly discuss the major differences between academic (basic) and private (action) research (6marks)
b) For media research to be accurate, it should be conducted using the scientific method. Explain FIVE characteristics of the scientific method (10marks)
c) Explain the major difference between qualitative and quantitative research methods (2marks)
d) Identify and explain FOUR major events around the world that have encouraged the growth of mass media research (12marks)

Question 2
A fellow student wishes to conduct research to find out why some morning radio show hosts are popular and others are not. a) Name six questions that the student will seek to answer as he/she does the literature review (6marks)
b) Come up with FOUR research questions and hypotheses that can be used to guide the research (8marks)
c) List six ways of ensuring the relevance of the research topic (6marks)

Question 3
a) Giving examples define the following terms
i) Population
ii) Sample
iii) Variable
b) Explain FOUR issues that a researcher considers when choosing a sampling method (4marks)
c) Name THREE differences between non-probability and probability sampling (3marks)
d) Discuss FIVE reasons why researchers use a sample rather than study the whole population (10marks)

Question 4
a) Name and describe four types of field observation techniques (8marks)
b) Discuss ethical issues that may arise from using some of the techniques named in (a) above. (4marks)
c) Illustrate FOUR advantages and FOUR disadvantages of online focus groups as a method of data collection (8marks)

Question 5
Outline and explain in details the FIVE main sections that are mandatory in an academic research proposal (20marks)

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