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Reporting And Writing (Bacj 113)  Question Paper

Reporting And Writing (Bacj 113)  

Course:Communication And Journalism

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any TWO others

Question 1
What is news-worthy can change from one media house to another but there are some common news ingredients.
a) Identify and explain the main news values. (15marks)
b) How do the stories differ when the same story is written for a newspaper, radio or television? (15marks)

Question 2
a) What is the inverted pyramid writing style and what is the advantage of using such a style when writing stories for newspapers? (10marks)
b) What is a lead of a newspaper story and what elements must it contain? (10marks)

Question 3
a) What is a feature story and how does it differ from a news story? (15marks)
b) Explain the importance of organization in the feature writing process. (5marks)

Question 4
a) Explain what a press conference is and its advantages and disadvantages as a source for news (15marks)
b) As a journalist working for a local news organization, how would you prepare yourself to cover that kind of event? (5marks)

Question 5
a) Discuss the role of an interview in the news gathering process. (10marks)
b) Using adequate illustrations explain good interviewing techniques (10marks)

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