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Introduction To Communication Theory (Bacj 120)  Question Paper

Introduction To Communication Theory (Bacj 120)  

Course:Communication And Journalism

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer ALL Questions in SECTION A and any Other TWO Questions in SECTION B

Question 1
Define the following terms:
a) Communication
b) Model
c) Entropy (4marks)

Question 2
What do you understand by the following terms:
a) Encode b) Decode c) Feedback
d) Channel e) Noise (5marks)

Question 3
According to Devito (1995), there are two categories of noises. Name them and give at least two examples for each. (6marks)

Question 4
Discuss three advantages of a model in explaining a communication process (6marks)

Question 5
Differentiate between linear and transactional model of communication (6marks)

Question 6
With clear illustrations discuss the four types of needs proposed by Mcquall (1987) in uses and gratification theory or as the common reason for media use (15marks)

Question 7
a) Define the term perception (2marks)
b) Discuss four factors that influence perception. (8marks)
c) Differentiate propaganda from persuasion (5marks)

Question 8
a) What do you understand by ‘communication is symbolic’ (6marks)
b) Discuss how communication functions to satisfy the following needs.
i) Physical needs
ii) Identity needs
iii) Social needs (9marks)

Question 9
Discuss Gerbner’s cultivation theory (15marks)

Question 10
With a clearly labelled diagram discuss the key concepts in any one of the following models.
a) Shannon and weaver (1949) model
b) Berlo’s S –M – C – R model (15marks)

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