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Photographic Essentials (Bacj 121) Question Paper

Photographic Essentials (Bacj 121) 

Course:Communication And Journalism

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Photography is understood differently by different people depending on what they want to do with it. Briefly, state these different ways that photography is understood to mean. (5marks)
b) In present times film photography is not widely practised as technology offers an easier way of going about photography. State and explain what limitations film photography has as compared to the newer technologies. (10marks)
c) As you undertake your duties as an editor in your department, one of the duties involves the editing of captions.
i) What are captions? (5marks)
ii) List four factors you have to consider when coming up with an appropriate caption. (5marks)
d) In preparation for an event to be held at your organization, all cameras must be in “good shape”. Explain what is meant by this? (5marks)

Question 2
Photographs are used in news stories to help readers have a pictorial view of the reality on the ground. They paint vivid pictures in the readers mind of how some events took place. However, images and photographs have been manipulated to an extent that they can depict a misleading representation of reality. Stating five tools used in the manipulation and explain how this is done. (20marks)

Question 3
An aspiring photographer has approached you to assist him with information on specifications of external lenses and what a photographer is able to achieve when using them. He intends to buy five different types within a span of one year. Using the knowledge you have acquired advise him accordingly. (20marks)

Question 4
You have been invited by a photography club of your former secondary school to give a talk on your practice as a photojournalist. On the schedule sheet, you are required to spend the first session taking them through a day in the life of a photojournalist and in the second session on the challenges encountered in the practice. Together with an appropriate introduction, make brief self explanatory seven point notes on each session. (20marks)

Question 5
Good photographic skills are expressed in a well composed photograph or image. Explain. (20marks)

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