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Sociology For Journalism (Bacj 134)  Question Paper

Sociology For Journalism (Bacj 134)  

Course:Communication And Journalism

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions

Question 1
Discuss the tension that exists between media industry’s insatiable quest for profits and a democratic society’s need for a media system that serves the public interests. With reference to Kenya, show how this incompatible and mutually exclusive relationship influence social, cultural and political perspectives of the Kenyan people. (30marks)
“Understanding the importance of relationships lies at the heart of thinking sociologically” (Hoynes and Croteau, 2003). In considering the news media, three types of social relations are crucial. Discuss them and show their implications in fostering democracy in Kenya. (30marks)

Question 2
Kenya has witnessed profound changes in the media landscape in the last one decade (ten years). Discuss the influence of this trend on media content and its possible role in either fostering open and inclusive content for democracy. (20marks)

Question 3
Media are also referred to as cultural institutions. Explain the meaning of this and show how culture is affected by mass communication. (20marks)

Question 4
Discuss the following concepts: (20marks)
a) Social construction of reality
b) Ideology
c) Media socialization
d) Global culture

Question 5
Journalists work under various political, economic, government regulation and media owners constraints. Discuss the nature of these constraints and show journalists possible response. (20marks

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