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Analysis And Opinion Writing ( Bacj 252)  Question Paper

Analysis And Opinion Writing ( Bacj 252)  

Course:Communication And Journalism

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (Compulsory) EITHER PART A or B and any other THREE Questions

Question 1
Read the article titled, “How House Speaker ruled on Kibaki list of nominees” and write an editorial piece on it. You have the liberty to argue for or against the speaker’s positions.
Read the article titled “Uganda gay rights activist murdered” and write an opinion column revolving around the gay lifestyle, human rights, choice and rule of law and taking a definite position.
(Question one carries 40 marks to be awarded according to identity of issues, argument, expression and organisation of article)

Question 2
Why is opinion writing important for both print and broadcast journalism? (10marks) (Awarded for identity of issues, expression, arguments and organisation of answer)

Question 3
Distinguish between analysis and opinion writing, clearly stating the differences between them.(10marks)
(Awarded for identifying the differences, expression of arguments and organization of answer)

Question 4
Most writers of analysis in Kenya’s newspapers and their counterparts on TV blur opinion and analysis. Discuss this statement using clear and specific examples from Kenya’s newspapers and TV. (10marks)
(Awarded for examples of writing on reportage chosen, grasp of issues sought and expression and organisation of answer)

Question 5
Who, in your opinion should qualify to write an opinion column? (10marks) (Awarded for argument, expression and organisation of answer)

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