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Environmental Science I(Envi 201)  Question Paper

Environmental Science I(Envi 201)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
As an environmentalist who is keen on seeing his country achieves Millennium Development goals on issues related to climate change (MDG 1, 4, 5, 6 & 7) however adaptation and mitigation techniques to global warming and climate change can as well provide job opportunities to the youth.
a) Identify at least TWO projects you would advise the government to incorporate into the “KAZI KWA VIJANA” programme to provide job opportunities to the youth. (10marks)
b) With the identified projects describe how they can be used in the mitigation and adaptation techniques to global warming and climate change (20marks)

Question 2
The Government of Tanzania is planning to construct Musoma – Arusha commercial highway cutting across the wildebeest migration corridor in the Serengeti National Game Park.
a) Identify and explain the likely population growth strategy/pattern of wildebeest population once their migration corridor is eventually blocked by the highway. Justify your view point (5marks)
b) Identify and explain ONE economic TWO environmental consequences of this road project to the game park (15marks)

Question 3
Dozens of thousands of plant and animal species have been lost in the last half of the 20th century due to human activities and climate change.
a) Identify and describe at least TWO ways by which we can cause extinction of species through the through the Indirect Damage to wildlife (14marks)
b) Explain at least TWO ways in which Kenya Government could manage Biological and Endangered species (6marks)

Question 4
a) Kenya is classified among energy for countries, outline at least THREE main sources of Kenya`s energy and their respective environmental impacts. (12marks)
b) Identify the renewable energy resources appropriate for the Kenya`s rural folk. Justify your view point (8marks)

Question 5
a) Describe the patterns of the ocean currents, and outline the TWO environmental significance of the cyclic patterns. (10marks)
b) Write short notes to explain the following environmental terms
i) Temperature inversion
ii) Biome
iii) The Greenhouse Effect
iv) Ecotone
v) Indicator Organisms (10marks)

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