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Environmental Science (Envi 201) Question Paper

Environmental Science (Envi 201) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions .

Question One
Briefly explain why there is usually food insecurity globally.
Discuss the various components of a sustainable society.
Define biological resources and discuss the various uses of these biological resources.

Question Two.
Using an illustration, discuss the atmospheric temperature profile.
Outline and discuss the various sources of energy used to fuel humanity.

Question Three.
Define "global Warming" and discuss the various consequences of a warmer global climate.
Highlight the importance of ozone layer and discuss the various effects of ozone layer depletion.

Question four.
Discuss the principal sources of atmospheric pollutants.
Withdrawal of water is the total amount of water taken from a lake, river or aquifer for any purpose. Discuss the consequences of overdraw.

Question five.
What is an "Acid Rain?" Discuss the various harmful effects acid deposition has.
Using an illustration, discuss the various processes of the hydrological cycle.

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