Environmental Science (Envi 201) Question Paper
Environmental Science (Envi 201)
Course:Environmental Science
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
SECTION A: Answer ALL the questions
SECTION B: Answer any TWO questions.
Question One
Mention the worldview associated with each of the following revolutions: Hunter – gatherers and agricultural.
State two benefits and two consequences of the industrial – scientific revolution.
Question Two
What is meant by the term "Tragedy of commons" and state any two tragedies associated with the hydrosphere.
State four examples of the "local commons" and explain why "local commons" are prone to destruction/degradation.
Question Three
Using specific examples, explain how introduction of exotic invasive species has caused loss of biodiversity.
Explain three ways in which deforestation has affected watershed in the country.
Question Four
What is a wetland? State two consequences of wetland dissection. (3mks)
State any major problems associated with soil erosion in the natural environment as a result of industrialized agriculture.
Question Five
State three reasons why parents in industrializing nations are continuing having many children.
Describe three reasons why human population increase in the world currently is a major concern?
Question Six
Explain four main approaches through which the commons can be regulated and state the weakness of each.
Explain how you as an individual can ensure reduction and efficient consumption of energy?
Question Seven
Explain six ways in which man has contributed to extinction of wildlife.
Describe four impacts of global warming on agriculture as witnessed in Kenya today.
Question Eight
Explain how Kenya is gearing towards creation of sustainable agriculture?
Explain five specific ways by which global warming may be mitigated.
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