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Computer Application/Introduction To Business Information System(Comp 100/Bbit 111) Question Paper

Computer Application/Introduction To Business Information System(Comp 100/Bbit 111) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Define the term computer system (2marks)
b) Explain any Three advantages and Three disadvantages of computers in the modern society (6marks)
c) Explain the meaning of the following terms
i) RAM iv) ROM
ii) Bit v) Byte (4marks)
d) State the main difference between primary memory and secondary memory of a computer system giving examples (4marks)
e) Discuss the role of each of the following components of a computer system and give two example of each
i) Input Devices
ii) Output devices (4marks)
f) Differentiate between a computer requirement and a computer specification (2marks)
g) Giving examples explain the functions of operating system (8marks)

Question 2
a) Computers are used in the modern offices, process control systems, commerce and industry, home leisure among other uses. Describe five uses of computer in at least four areas of life today (10marks)
b) Explain five functions of system tools/utilities in computer (10marks)

Question 3
Write short notes on the following giving example of each (20marks)
a) Word Processors
b) Spreadsheet

c) Database system
d) System software
e) Web browsers
f) Search engine

Question 4
a) List and discuss the main components of Central Processing Unit (8marks)
b) Computers have evolved since when they were invented, Describe the technological trends which in the evolutions. (4marks)
c) Differentiate between i) Data and information (2marks) ii) VCD and DVD (2marks) iii) Hardware and software (2marks) iv) Hardcopy and softcopy (2marks)

Question 5
a) Write short notes on the following i) OMR ii) MICR iii) Barcode reader iv) OCR v) Digitizers (10marks)
b) What factors do you consider when purchasing computer peripheral for use in an office (5marks)
c) Explain the following terms as used in computer (5marks) i) Infrared ii) Blue tooth iii) Ipods

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