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Computer Applications(Comp 100) Question Paper

Computer Applications(Comp 100) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) What is a computer? (2marks)
b) Unlike the human beings, the Computers are known to be different. Highlight SIX characteristics of Computers. (6marks)
c) Enlist and explain five negative impacts of computers to the current society. (5marks)
d) Define the term ‘information’. For the decision to be meaningful and useful, the information must possess some good qualities. Enlist and explain FIVE of these qualities. (5marks)
e) Explain the role of Internet Explorer in Internet. (4marks)
f) Write notes on:
i) Footer
ii) Foot note
iii) The role of scrollbar
iv) System software (6marks)
g) State and explain the features of status bar. (2marks)

Question 2
a) State and explain 3 input and 3 output devices that are commonly used in a computer other than the mouse, keyboard, and the monitor. (6marks)
b) With the help of a well labeled diagram, explain the functions of the following: (6marks)
i) Data bus
ii) Address bus
iii) Control bus
c) Explain the role of the Control Panel in configuring Ms-Windows. (4marks)
d) Clearly explain the following terms as applied in Ms-word.
i) Sorting
ii) Mail Merge (4marks)

Question 3
a) Describe the advantages of using minicomputer over micro computer (4marks)
b) Define the term “Process”. Clearly explain the life cycle of a process as applied in computer environment. (5marks)
c) i) What is filtering as applied in Ms. Excel? (3marks)
ii) Explain clearly the various steps involved in creating a slide show in power point. (5marks)
iii) What are the registers? Explain three types of computer registers. (3marks)

Question 4
a) Draw a block diagram to illustrate the basic organization of a computer system, and explain the functions of various units of a computer system. (6marks)
b) Explain the purpose of the following in relation to computer functionality:
i) Main memory
ii) Secondary memory
iii) Cache memory(5marks)
c) Explain parts of a spreadsheet in Excel. (4marks) d) Define the term “Deadlock”. With the aid of a diagram explain the conditions that may lead to the occurrence of a deadlock in a computer system. (5marks)

Question 5
a) What are the types of Computers based on the data handling techniques? Give an example of each computer. (6marks)
b) State and explain the roles of computer system as applied to management information systems. (4marks)
c) State and explain FIVE functions of an Operating System. (5marks)
d) Define the term”taskbar”. The taskbar is known to have four main features, name and explain them. (5marks)

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