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Computer Applications(Comp 100/Bbit 111) Question Paper

Computer Applications(Comp 100/Bbit 111) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Giving examples explain the following
i) Spreadsheet
ii) Database management system
iii) Browsers
iv) Groupware (8marks)
b) Describe how you can perform the following action on a computer
i) Create a folder
ii) Remove a flash disk (2marks)
c) Assume that you typed some data in a word processing package. Explain what happens to the text when you press the following keys on a keyboard
i) CTRL + A
ii) CTRL + B
iii) CTRL+U
iv) CTRL+Z
v) CTRL +X (5marks)
d) What are the advantages of using tables during processing of data in Microsoft word (3marks)
e) Define the following terms as used in database and give an example of each
i) Primary Key
ii) Field Name
iii) Data type (6marks)
f) Discuss the impacts of a social website like face book in a financial institution business. (3marks)
g) Differentiate between
i) SRAM and DRAM (2marks)
ii) ROM and RAM (2marks)
h) Describe 3 challenges facing managers as they try to computerize their organization (3marks)
i) What are the advantages of using computer in the world of business today (3marks)

Question 2
a) Define the term viruses and discuss 5 symptoms of computer viruses (7marks)
b) Discuss the following technologies which have emerged as a result of change and adverse development in Information Technology (8marks)

Question 3
a) Discuss the factors you should put in consideration when setting up a computer network for your organization (5marks)
b) Describe the following secondary storage devices and give example of each
i) Magnetic tape
ii) Magnetic disk
iii) Optical disk (6marks)
c) List four ways of ensuring your computer are secure in an organization (4marks)

Question 4
a) Explain the use of computer in the following areas
i) Agriculture
ii) Military
iii) Manufacturing (6marks)
b) Define the term operating system and explain the following terms as used in operating system
i) Multiprocessing
ii) Multiprogramming
iii) Multitasking
iv) Multi (4marks)
c) What is the importance of the following tools in a computer system
i) Formatting
ii) Scanning
iii) Back up
iv) Disk compression
v) Disk clean up (5marks)

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