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Computer Applications(Comp 100) Question Paper

Computer Applications(Comp 100) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) What are the types of computers based on the data handling techniques. Given an example of each computer. (4marks)
b) Briefly discuss the important features and uses of micro, mini, mainframes and super computers (8marks)
c) Convert the following numbers as required:
i) 2B.6C16 to binary
ii) 1276628 to decimal
iii) 101100112 to decimal
iv) 6732.328 to decimal
v) 31.57 to hexadecimal (10marks)
d) What is the purpose of the binary coding system? Briefly explain the terms – ASCII and EBCDIC (3marks)
e) What does a byte correspond to? How does it relate to a gigabyte (5marks)

Question 2
a) State four benefits of secondary storage (4marks)
b) What are the three kinds of components in a sealed data module (HDD) (3marks)
c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of magnetic disks and optical disks (6marks)
d) What two input methods would you use in a computer other than the keyboard and the mouse (2marks)
e) What is the role of the main memory, and how does it relate to the computer? (5marks)

Question 3
a) What is an operating system? State its uses (5marks)
b) Discuss various types of interfaces in the operating system (10marks)
c) What are the comparative strengths of spreadsheet and database management software (5marks)

Question 4
a) With the help of a block diagram, explain various network topologies present in the computer networks (8marks)
b) Discuss the various transmission modes of data (4marks)
c) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of optical fiber (3marks)
d) Name five services available over value added telecommunications networks (5marks)

Question 5
a) Give the full form of: (5marks)
i) Http
ii) VoIP
iii) TCP/IP
iv) POP
b) List the various services provided by the internet (5marks)
c) How would you define information technology crime? (2marks)
d) List and describe at least three functions combined in an e-mail program (3marks)
e) What is a network protocol? Why do we need protocols (5marks)

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