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Industrial Biochemistry Question Paper

Industrial Biochemistry 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Biochemistry

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2006



END SEMESTER 2005/2006




1.Attempt all questions.Match the best statements of Column 1 and 11 from the following:-



i) Pullunalases a) Used in detergent industry

ii) 8-analyses are used in baked goods b) Subtilistin NOVO

iii) Chemical conversion of fructose produces metabolite c) Leather & food industries

iv) Di-isopropyl fluorophosphates is a chemical compound d) Stabilizers added to yoghurt

v) Application of soluble enzymes restricted e) Bacterial & fungal toxins

vi) Glucoamylases are used in starch sucharification f) Can be used as a food beverage

vii) Bacillopeptidases are the microbial enzymes g) Used in therapeutic purposes as digestive enzymes to supplement pancreatic lipase

viii) Renal & hepatic carcinogencity in mice are found to fur very frequently h) Splits the branch points of the starch molecule

ix) Contains serine at their active site i) Inhibitor of alkaline proteases for the molecule

x) Rennin is an acidic protease j) Can be used as an energy source

xi) Natural toxins are composed of chemical k) Inability to retain the enzyme within a stream of substrate

xii) The antibiotic,mitomycin C is effective to lyse the cellsl) Non-degradable compound and is toxic to cells

xiii) Aspergillus Rhizopores and candida providing lipases are commercially used m) Increase in proportion of fermentable carbohydrates

xiv) Ca2+and Zn2+ions are required for stability of enzymes n) Usually collected from slaughtered animals

o) Splits glucose from the non reducing end

p) Due to intoxication by Ochratoxins

q) Inhibitor of DNA synthesis

r) Helps to escape gas formed during fermentation process

s) Available at the sea surface

t) Collected from 3-4 weeks old calves raised by milk

u) Suppresses the inflammation of rheumatic arthritis

v) Produces pharmaceutical products

w) The enzymes have restricted applications

x) The more unit operations,the enzyme can perform

SECTION B: Answer any TWO from the following questions(12x2=24)

2. Account for the following statements:

a) The problems of chemical retained in the sewage effluents can be solved by adopting some recent strategies.

b) Citric acid is produced at the industrial level by manipulating the biochemical reactions.

c) Industrial resources used to protect the safety of environmental are very often injurious to normal food chain.

SECTION C: Answer all questions (32 marks)

3.Classify the principle of enzyme immobilization.Explain how the catalytic activities of the enzymes are protected by enzyme immobilization(16 marks)

4.Elucidate the fermentation process of beer.Discuss briefly how the various kinds of distilled spirits differ from one another.(16 marks)

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