Computer Application(Dpba 020) (Comp 016) Question Paper

Computer Application(Dpba 020) (Comp 016) 

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question one (compulsory) and any other two questions.
Question One
Computers have become a basic necessity in our daily lives. Give at least three applications of computers.
Convert the following binary digits into their chemical number equivalent
During a board meeting some of the members felt that they needed more input and output devices in the student’s computer lab. Not all the members clearly understood what these devices are as an IT expert, explain it to them giving at least two examples of each. (4mks)
Outline the major differences between the second and third generations of computers.
Giving examples list the differences between the input and output devices.
Using a diagram illustrates the architecture of a computer stating the work that each does.

Question Two
The keyboard is one of the major components in a computer students were given a task of classifying the difference types of keys on the keyboard. Assuming you are one of them, what classification would you have pointed out.
Shaq was suspecting a virus infection in his computer. Draw his attention to any four symptoms of virus infection in a computer system.
During a symposium, there was a big confusion between the types of computer software clearly differentiate the two to the rest of the students giving at least two examples for each.

Question Three
What do you understand by a network topology?
Describe the following types of computer networks with an aid of a diagram
Briefly describe the following types of application packages
Word processors
What is the use of the following networking devices?
Network interface card

Question Four
Define the term operating system.
Give any five functions of an operating system.
What is a spreadsheet software, state its functions and its advantages and disadvantages.
Outline any four devices needed in setting up a local area network. (5mks)

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