Computer Application (Comp 016) (Dpba 020) Question Paper

Computer Application (Comp 016) (Dpba 020) 

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and Any Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) Define the following terms giving an example in each. (6marks)
i) Word processing software.
ii) Electronic spread sheet software
iii) Spreadsheet.
b) State and briefly explain functions of an operating system. (5marks)
c) List FIVE disadvantages of the bus-topology. (5marks)
d) What is a computer virus? List any SIX symptoms of computer viruses.
e) State FOUR advantages of using the E-mail. (4marks)
f) Distinguish between the following; (4marks)
i) Internet
ii) World wide web (www)

Question Two
a) Define a translator state and explain THREE types of translators.
b) Giving an example, list any FOUR types of application software. (8marks)
c) Define the following terms: (4marks)
i) Multitasking
ii) Multi user system.

Question Three
a) State and explain FIVE power point views. (10marks)
b) Explain how you would perform the following in Ms word. (6marks)
i) Highlight a whole document
ii) Indent a paragraph
iii) Make your text bold.
c) List any FOUR uses of a database Management system (DBMS). (4marks)

Question Four
a) Context the following to its binary covalence: (6marks)
b) State the meaning of the following key board shortcuts. (6marks)
i) CTRL + F
ii) CTRL + X
iii) CTRL + C
iv) CTRL + V
v) CTRL + Z
vi) CTRL + S
c) Define the following terms as used in Ms excel. (4marks)
i) Formula
ii) Functions
d) State the steps involved in creating a chart in Ms excel. (4marks)

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