Clinical Nutrition And Dietetics(Hsci 104) Question Paper
Clinical Nutrition And Dietetics(Hsci 104)
Course:Nursing Sciences
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
1. Answer ALL Questions in Section A, B and C
2. Write your University ID on ALL scripts
3. Use only blue, black ball point or ink
Question 1
Low cholesterol diet for patients with hyperlipidemia include;
a) Cereals, whole milk and fruits
b) Egg white, fish and legumes
c) Whole grain bread, skimmed milk and egg yolk
d) Cheese, fruits and arrowroots
Question 2
Sodium restricted diet is necessary in the management of the following conditions, except;
a) Ascites in liver cirrhosis
b) Congestive cardiac failure
c) Acute glomerulonephritis
d) Peptic ulcer disease
Question 3
The following are consequences of malnutrition in pregnancy;
a) Intrauterine growth retardation and neural tube defects of the fetus
b) Still births and down’s syndrome of the fetus
c) Low birth weight new born and maternal growth retardation
d) Brain damage and cleft palate of the fetus
Question 4
Dietary principles used to increase food consumption in patients experiencing anorexia include;
a) Using the client preferences in selection of the meal type and feeding time
b) Encouraging the client to try hot foods rather than cold foods
c) Encouraging the client to take large meals when the appetite is good
d) Setting a meal schedule for nutritious foods
Question 5
The following are fat soluble vitamins
a) Vitamins A,B, E and K
b) Vitamins A,C,E and K
c) Vitamins A,D,E and K
d) Vitamins A, B,C and D
From Q. 6 to 10 indicate whether TRUE or FALSE about the following statements (each statement earns ½ a mark)
Question 6
Indicate whether the following promotes oral health ;
a) Increasing the daily intake of fluoride
b) Decreasing the amounts but compensated by an increase in the frequency of sugars and starches consumption
c) Increasing the consumption of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorous.
d) Vitamin C plays no role in maintenance of oral hygiene
Question 7
About nutrition in disease conditions
a) In severe liver function impairment, protein intake is increased to promote tissue healing and replacement
b) Fluid requirements should be minimized in hypertensive patients
c) Well nourished individuals before surgery have a lower incidence of infections, tolerate the stress of surgery better and experience fewer complications than the malnourished
d) Wound healing decreases the requirements of calories, protein, vitamin C, and zinc.
Question 8
Regarding eating disorders
a) "Obesity" specifically refers to an excessive amount of body weight that includes muscle, bone, fat, and water
b) All eating disorders are characterized by a complex compulsion to eat
c) Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder induced by lack of appetite
d) Bulimia nervosa in characterized by compulsive overeating, not accompanied by any compensatory behaviors
Question 9
About 24 hour recall dietary assessment method;
a) The client is given a diary to state all the foods and drinks to be consumed over a period of 24 hours
b) The nurse is expected to record for a patient the amounts and time in which foods and drinks were consumed over a period of 24 hours
c) The client is asked to describe all the foods and drinks consumed in the preceding 24 hours
d) Its strength is derived from the fact that accurate information is obtained about an individual’s dietary habits
Question 10
About the following nutrients
a) Sugar is higher in calories than starch
b) The body stores extra amino acids in muscle tissues
c) All fats are bad
d) A deficiency of zinc can cause impaired sense of taste (15marks)
Question 11
a) Explain three nutrition complications that a patient who has undergone gastric surgery may experience (6marks)
b) Distinguish between marasmus and kwarshiorkor (4marks)
Question 12
a) Sodium restriction is important in the management of hypertension. Explain. (3marks)
b) List six signs and symptoms in a child that may indicate poor nutrition status (3marks)
c) Intoti is a bank manager who stands at 163cm in height at a weight of 85 kilograms.
i) Calculate and interpret his Body Mass Index (BMI). (2marks)
ii) Based on Intoti’s BMI explain the dietary advice you would give him in order to enhance his health (5marks)
Question 13
Jane has just delivered a 3.5kg bouncing baby boy. She is however anxious because she does not know what to do in order to maintain and improve good nutrition status of her child. Describe the nutritional instructions about the infant; you would give Jane to observe for the first six months of life. (5marks)
Question 14
a) With a rationale for each explain four dietary messages that you would share with a patient in management of chronic renal disease. (8marks)
b) State four ways in which nutrition strategies could be used in prevention of cancers (4marks)
Question 15
Explain five dietary principles in the management of a patient with diabetes mellitus. (10marks)
Question 16
Describe the cycle of nutrition and infection in the context of HIV/AIDs. (10marks)
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