Human Anatomy(Hsci 106 ) Question Paper

Human Anatomy(Hsci 106 ) 

Course:Nursing Sciences

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. Answer ALL Questions
2. In Section A respond by writing T-true or F-false against the options provided
3. Write your University ID on ALL scripts
4. Use only blue, black ball point or ink

Question 1
Concerning the tongue
a) Taste buds are found in both fungiform and fungiform papilla.
b) Facial nerve carries taste sensation from the anterior tongue including the vallate papilla
c) Palatoglossus muscle like other extrinsic muscles is innervated by the hypoglossal nerve.
d) Glands of Ebner in the vallate papilla discharge mucous secretion

Question 2
In the eye
a) The cornea is avascular
b) The lateral rectus muscle is innervated by occulomotor nerve
c) The superior oblique causes depression and abduction of the eye ball.
d) Retinal detachment usually occurs between the first and second layer of the retina

Question 3
The following blood vessels supply the stomach
a) Celiac trunk
b) Superior mesenteric artery
c) Common hepatic artery
d) Gastroduodenal artery

Question 4
Blood grouping systems
a) The ABO antigens are inherited in a mendelian fashion.
b) Blood group O has H antigen.
c) In our population Blood group A is the commonest.
d) The baby of a rhesus positive mother can develop haemolytic disease of the new born

Question 5
The nasal cavity
a) Roof is the palate
b) The olfactory mucosa is found on the floor
c) Is covered by ciliated pseudostratified cuboidal epithelium
d) The ethmoid bone forms part of the medial wall

Question 6
The ear
a) The pinna is made of elastic cartilage
b) The secondary tympanic membrane covers the round window.
c) Perilymph is the fluid found in the semi circular ducts
d) Hair cells carry out transduction in the cochlear duct

Question 7
The arrangement of the small intestines from the stomach towards the colon is
a) Duodenum, ileum, jejunum
b) Jejunum, duodenum, ileum
c) Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
d) Ileum ,jejunum, duodenum

Question 8
In the GIT
a) The myenteric nerve plexus is found in the submucosa.
b) The epithelium in the oesophagus is stratified squamous epithelium
c) Plica circulares is a feature of small intestines
d) Intestinal obstruction can be caused by colorectal carcinoma

Question 9
The kidneys a) Is involved in red blood cell production. b) Is found in the peritoneal cavity c) The juxtaglomerular apparatus produces angiotensinogen d) Podocytes are not found in the kidney

Question 10
Concerning the larynx
a) The cricoid cartilage is the largest of all its cartilages
b) Its muscles are mostly supplied by the vagus nerve.
c) Its musculature is made up of smooth muscles
d) Cuneiform is an example of paired cartilage

Question 11
Lymphatic system
a) Lymphatic vessels have valves
b) Also plays a role in absorption of dietary fat
c) The thymus is involved in processing T and B lymphocytes
d) Splenectomy predisposes one to infection by capsulated bacteria.

Question 12
The heart
a) Its apex is made up of the left ventricle.
b) The sternocostal surface is mainly the right chambers of the heart.
c) Mitral valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle.
d) Venae cordis minimae is a cardiac vein.

Question 13
The immune system
a) IgG is seen in the primary immune response
b) The secondary immune response is much stronger than the primary response.
c) IgM is involved in passive immunity from the mother to the fetus.
d) IgE is involved in anaphylactic reactions

Question 14
The large intestine
a) Omental appendices is a one of their feature
b) Is supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery
c) Also includes the appendix
d) The sigmoid colon is continuous with the ascending colon

Question 15
With the aid of a well labelled diagram describe the visual pathway to the brain (6marks)

Question 16
Name four branches of the left coronary artery (4marks)

Question 17
Highlight the composition of blood (6marks)

Question 18
Draw and label the parts of the cochlear duct (6marks)

Question 19
Name the parts of a nephron (4marks)

Question 20
Name four cell types found in the retina (4marks)

Question 21
Discuss the lungs and the bronchial tree (20marks)

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