Nutrition And Health(Hsci 103) Question Paper
Nutrition And Health(Hsci 103)
Course:Nursing Sciences
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
Answer THREE questions only in the answer booklet provided
Question ONE is compulsory
Question one
Define the following terms
Describe the concept of "self-care in health maintenance
State five factors that influence health promotion behaviours
Explain the relationship between stress and health
Describe three characteristics of a diet that promotes health
Describe two nutritional deficiencies in children and state interventions for each
Explain why iodine and zinc are important elements in the diet
Explain why good nutrition is essential to determining health status and longevity
Question Two
Explain with examples four risk factors that influence health and probability of developing a disease
Explain why malnutrition is prevalent amongst Kenyan children
Question Three
Explain ten ways of preventing food borne diseases
Describe five cultural practices that influence nutritional status of individuals
Question Four
Explain the effect of over nutrition and suggest how this can be avoided with reference to children
Describe a healthy diet that you would recommend for a pregnant female
Question Five
Describe the nutritional advice you would give to someone suffering from diabetes type II
Explain the causes of nutritional anaemia
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