Nutrition And Dietetics(Hsci 104) Question Paper

Nutrition And Dietetics(Hsci 104) 

Course:Nursing Sciences

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Instructions: Answer all questions
SECTION A: Multiple choice questions
Question one
The primary source of energy in the body is

Question Two
Dietary fibre is an indigestible

Question Three
Which is the most important biological function of vitamin E?
Protection of cell membranes against oxidation
Storage of calcium in the bone
Protection against colds
Prevention of rickets

Question Four
Nutrition needs in a hospitalized patient may not be compromised by
Highly restricted meals/diet
Monitored lack of patient appetite
Unfamiliar foods
Delayed meals

Question Five
Vitamin D is also referred to as

Question Six
Excessive accumulation of a vitamin in the body can also be referred to as

Question Seven
The following are effects of nutritional deficiency during pregnancy. Mach the statements in column A with the nutrients in column B
Column A Column B
Miscarriage and neural tube defects
a) Protein
Decreased infant bone density
b) iodine
Congenital malformation
c) calcium
d) zinc
Reduced head circumference
e) foliate
f) Phosphorus

Question Eight
Vitamin C is also referred to as
SECTION C: Short answer questions

Question Nine
Define the following (2mks)
Bulimia Nervosa

Question Ten
Explain the effects of poor nutrition on oral health (5mks)

Question Eleven
State four possible side effects of parenteral nutrition (2mks)

Question Twelve
State four indications of a low residue diet (4mks)

Question Thirteen
Explain the nutritional therapy you would give a client suffering form pancreatitis

Question Fourteen
Explain five dietary principles in the management of diabetes mellitus (5mks)

Question Fifteen
State four factors that increase the risk of malnutrition to a patient suffering form burns (4mks)

Question Sixteen
Describe the nutritional challenges faced by geriatrics (10mks)

Question Eighteen
Describe nutrition strategies that can be implemented to prevent anemia in pregnancy (5mks)

Question Nineteen
List four nutritional problems that are likely to occur during adolescence (2mks)
Question Twenty
List four functions to proteins in the body (2mks)

Question Twenty One
Discuss anthropometric measurements used in nutritional assessment (20mks)

Question Twenty Two
Discuss factors that may place a patient to be at risk of developing nutrients deficiencies (20mks)

Question Twenty Three
Discuss the management of child protein energy malnutrition (20mks)
Question Twenty four
Discuss strategies for weight loss and maintenance (20mks)

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