Health Sciences (Hsci 106) Question Paper

Health Sciences (Hsci 106) 

Course:Nursing Sciences

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer ALL the questions in section I and II and any TWO in section III
SECTION I: Write T for all true answers and F for all false answer, half a mark will be rewarded for every correct answer
Question one
The taste buds in the tongue are
uniformly distributed in the entire surface of the tongue
The piliform papillae have taste buds which are closely packed together
The taste buds that are situated in the foliate papillae are found in the posterior lateral margin of the tongue
The taste buds that are situated in this foliate pipillar are situated in the tip of the tongue
In the human beings trioumit their sensation of haste through facial nerve alone

Question Two
Regarding the endelymph and perilymp
They mix freely
Endolymph is the membranious labaryth
The osseous labarynth (boney) labarynth is faced by the perilymp
The oseious labarynth is filled with endolymp
The perlymph and tadolymsh are generally identical in their chemical composition

Question Three
The lamina cribrosa of the sclera of the eye
Its that part which is perforated by the optic nerve posterounty
Its situated in the anterior part of the eye where acqueous fluid is reabsorbed through
If there is increased intraocular pressure it bulges inwords into the vitrieous chamber
Lamina crobrosa is perforated by the carbital blood vessels
Is part of the eye with are no particular importance

Question Four
The following are functions of the nose
Gaseous exchange in respiration
Filtration of inhaled air
Exit for mucus secrelions from the para nasal sinuses
Humidification of air

Question Five
The bones and carltages that make up the nose are
Maxillary bone
frontal bone
Alter cartilage
Vomer cartilage
Sphenoid bone

Question six
The larynx
Is the organ of voice
It is placed higher in the neck in males than females
It is placed higher in males than in females
Its dimensions in measurements are higher in males than in females
Its dimensions in measurement are higher in females than in males

Question Seven
The larynx has both intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
Extrinsic muscles are used in vocalization
Intrinsic muscles are used in vocalization
Supplied by the recurrent nerve
Blood supply is from the thyroid antenies
Blood supply in direct form the external carolid artery

Question Eight
The following are the components of the root of the lung
Bronchial tubes
Pulmonary artery
Pulmonary veins
The heart

Question Nine
The following are involved in swallowing of a food bolus
Pharyngeal muscles
Epigtotis cover the trachea
Oesophogus moves up to receive the food
There is a sucking reflex in the oral cavity

Question Ten
The following are cell types of the stomach and their products
Parietal cells – hydrochloric acid
Chief cells – pepsinogen
Mucous cells – mucous
Phneumocytes - glucagon
Beta cells – insulin

Question Eleven
The small intestine
Is 5 – 6m long
Is the first site of absorption of nutrients form ingested material
Is the site where water is absorbed
Histologically they are identical to the colon
It has lymphoid nodules aggregated in site referred as peyers patches

Question Twelve
The colon
It is a retropeutoneal organ in its entirety
It has some parts that are retroperitoneal and others in the peutoneal cavity
Has no role in absorption of the contents of the ingested nutrients
It has tinea coli which are four in number
The caliber is lesser than that of the ilium

Question Thirteen
The blood supply to large intestine (colon)
Is uniformly distributed by the superior mesenteric artery
Is supplied by both superior and inferior mesenteric arteries
It has no role in the determination of the surgical anatomy
It is well distributed by the rich anatomizes from the different sources
It has definitive areas which are restricted to the different sources

Question fourteen
The following ligaments are associated with the liver
Falciform or suspensory ligament
Coronary ligaments
Round ligament
Hepatorenal ligament
Umbilical ligament

Question Fifteen
The male wethra
Has two parts: prostatic membranes
Has dual function
The prostatic wiltral has the ejaculatory a prostatic ducks
The sponge part has the ejaculatory and prostatic ducts
All the external neatus is the widest part

Question Sixteen
Immunoglobulin M formed in the first response of immunoreactions
Has 10 biding sites
Has two binding sites
Crosses the placental barrier
Its good in activating the classical path way
It is good in activating the alternative pathway

Question seventeen
First phagocytoze and partially digest the invading micro organisms
They synthesize and secret the antibodies
They secret interleukin that promote the growth of specific lymphocytes
Have no role in immunoures
Have no specific role in immunoresponse

Question Eighteen
Have no nucleas
They contain actin and myosin
They remain functional for 21 days
They remain functional for 7 days
They are removed form circulation by macrophages

Question Nineteen
The lymphatic system
Collects the interstitial fluid
It has a central pumping system
The lymphatic fluid is falderal by the lymph nodes before it joins the cardiovascular system
The spleen is the largest lymphoid organ
It has no association with immune system

Question Twenty
The following are the contents of lymphoid tissue HILUM
Afferent lymph vessel
Efferent lymph vessel
Nerves supply the lymphoid tissue
SECTION II: Short essay format

Question One
List the types of cells found histologically in the offactory mucosa (3mks)
List the parts of the brain where the as factory centers are situated (2mks)

Question Two
With the aid of a labeled diagram describe the anatomy of the uveal tract (5mks)

Question Three
List the four paranasal air sinuses and the meatus they open into the nasal cavity

Question Four
Write brief notes the blood supply to the nose (5mks)

Question Five
List the relations of the tranchea and briefly describe its blood supply (5mks)

Question Six
Describe the contents of the mediastinum and their relations (5mks)

Question Seven
Describe the boundaries of the pharynx as part of alimentary canal (5mks)

Question Eight
State five functions of hypothalamus (5mks)

Question Nine
Describe the function of blood
Describe the structural characteristics of erythrocytes and their functional importance

Question One
Describe the anatomical organization of the layers of muscles in the oesophagus and stomach
Describe the blood supply of the two oesophagus and the stomach

Question Two
List the cells involved in cell mediated immunity
Describe how each line participates in immunoresponse
Describe the direct action of humoral immunity

Question Three
Describe the importance of rhesus blood grouping systems and its importance in reproductive health

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