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Human Anatomy I (Hsci 108) Question Paper

Human Anatomy I (Hsci 108) 

Course:Nursing Sciences

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


This paper consist of three section, answer all questions in section I and II and any one question in section III
SECTION I: Answer each question by indicating T (True) for the correct response and F (false) for the wrong response, each correct answer earns half a mark.
Question one
The cell nucleus
Is present in all body cells
Is the largest organelle
Contains 23 chromosomes
Has nuclear envelope similar to plasma membrane

Question Two
The following sensations are generated by impulses in naked nerve ending

Question Three
In synapses
The presynaptic neurones have acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter
Neurons synapse end to end with no space in between them
Neurotransmitter once released persists at the synaptic cleft
All synapses are neuron to neuron synapses

Question four
Epithelia tissue is found
Covering the body
Lining the brain ventricles
In the endocrine glands
Lining the body cavities

Question Five
Red blood cells
Mature in bone marrow before being released into circulation
Have an average lifespan of 120 day
Production is under control of erythropoietin
Originate from megaloblasts

Question Six
The functions of blood plasma include
Transport of hormones
Maintenance of red cell size
Transport of oxygen
Transport of waste products

Question Seven
Calcium absorption is increased by
Oxalates in the diet
Iron overload
Increased sodium absorption

Question Eight
Removal of the entire colon would be expected to cause
Megaloblastic anaemia
Increased blood levels of ammonia in liver cirrhosis
Severe malnutrition
Decreased urinary urobilinogen

Question Nine
The following play a role in the regulation of plasma calcium levels

Question Ten
In normal human blood
The eosinophil is the most common type of white cell
There are more lymphocytes than neutrophils
Iron is mostly in the haemoglobin
There are more white cells than red cells

Question Eleven
The following are gastro intestinal hormones
- amylase
P- lipoprotein

Question Twelve
The following hormones are secreted by posterior pituitary gland
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Follicle – stimulating hormone (FSH)
Prola ctin

Question Thirteen
Granulocytic white blood cells include

Question Fourteen
The ability of blood to transport oxygen will depend on
The capacity of blood to dissolve oxygen
Amount of haemoglobin in the blood
PH of the plasma
Carbon dioxide content of the red blood cells

Question Fifteen
In gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
Absorption of vitamin B and folate are sodium independent
Iron in absorbed in ferrous (Fe++) state
Pro enzymes for protein digestion are activated in the GIT
Starch digestion starts in the month
SECTION II: Answer all question

Question Sixteen
Distinguish between lower motor and upper motor neurons

Question Seventeen
List any four major descending motor tracts (2mks)

Question Eighteen
State any five functions of plasma membrane (5mks)

Question Nineteen
List five types of epithelial tissue (2 ½mks)

Question Twenty
List any four constituents of bile (2mks)

Question Twenty One
State three functions of the bile (3mks)

Question Twenty Two
Explain the ABO blood system (5mks)

Question Twenty Three
Why is it important to cross-match blood before transfusing (3 ½ mks)

Question Twenty Four
Which are the four main buffers in the body (2mks)

Question Twenty Five
Differentiate between respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis (3mks)

Question Twenty Six
State five functions of the small intestines (5mks)

Question Twenty seven
List any three functions of blood (3mks)

Question Twenty Eight
Discuss how human beings are organisms as adapted for survival and life sustenance through the various levels of structural organization (15mks)

Question Twenty Nine
Discuss the biosynthesis, regulation of secretion and physiological actions of the insulin form the endocrine pancreas (15mks)

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