Human Physiology (Hsci 109) Question Paper
Human Physiology (Hsci 109)
Course:Nursing Sciences
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
Answer all questions
SECTION I: Multiple choice questions
Question one
The following statement about cardiac output are true EXCEPT
Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped into the aorta each minute by the heart
Cardiac output is the quantity of blood that flows though the circulation
For young healthy men, resting cardiac output averages about 5.6L/min
Cardiac output is increased in pregnancy
Question Two
Events that will lead to an increase in glomerular filtration rate include all the following EXCEPT:
Increase in glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure
Dilation of afferent arterioles
Increase in glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure
Increase in Bowman’s space colloid osmotic pressure
Increased renal blood flow
Question Three
Which of the following does NOT happen during inspiration;
Thoracic cage moves upward and outward
The diaphragm moves upward
Atmospheric air forces air into lungs
Intra-alveolar pressure decreases
The antero-posterior dimensions of the chest are increased
Question Four
The following are true about the micro-circulation EXCEPT
Arterioles have no muscle
Capillaries have walls made up of a single layer of cells
Capillaries have no innervation
Capillaries contain 5% of the total blood volume at any one time
Capillaries have gap junctions that allow blood cells to pass through
Question Five
The following is NOT a sequence of events in muscle contraction:
Action potential depolarize the T tubules
Depolarization of T-tubules release calcium from sarcoplasmic reticulum
Calcium binds to the troponin-tropomyosin complex
Actin combines with myosin ATP leading to cross-bridge activation
Calcium moves back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by passive transport
Question Six
Which of the following is the INCORRECT pair
Immunoglobulin (Ig) E; plays a role in helminth infestations
Ig G; crosses the placenta
Ig A; largely found in body secretions
IgM; a monomer
Ig D; role in serum uncertain
Question Seven
Which of the following statements concerning vision is FALSE?
Approximately half of the fibers in each optic nerve cross to opposite sides of the brain at the optic chiasma
Fibers of the optic nerve synapse at the thalamus
Optic tracts are found after the optic chiasma in the frontal lobe
The visual cortex of the brain is located in the frontal lobe
Cone cells are better for colour vision and visual acuity
Question Eight
The sensory receptors of the semicircular canals are located in the
Question Nine
The following is NOT a stimulant for aldosterone release;
Increase in plasma sodium concentration
Decrease in plasma sodium concentration
Increase in plasma potassium concentration
Decrease in extracellular fluid osmolarity
Angiotensin II
Question Ten
The following is NOT a function of the integumentary system
Regulation of Acid-base balance
Protective function
Synthetic function
PART II:Answer all questions, indicate whether True(T) or False (F) against each response
Question Eleven
Carbon dioxide in blood
Is more soluble than oxygen
Is carried in combination with plasma
Is carrie mainly as bicarbonate ions
Is hydrated mainly in the plasma
Is transported mainly in the red blood cells
Question Twelve
In the human kidney
Renal blood flow is about 1.2L/min
Reabsorption of ions and water occurs mainly in the proximal convoluted tubules
The action of anti-diuretic hormone mainly on the colleting tubules
Renal blood flow is decreased in dehydration
Blood flow in the cortex is greater than that in the medulla
Question Thirteen
About the elecrocardiogram (ECG);
The P-R interval corresponds to the duration of atrial systole
P wave represents deporization of the atria
The QRS complex represents artrival repolarization
The QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization
T wave represents atrial repolarization
Question Fourteen
With reference to the skeletal muscle myofilaments,
Actin is the major constituent of thin filaments
Myosin and tropomyosin combine to form the thick filaments
Troponin is a constituent of thin filaments
Tropomyosin prevents the interaction of actin and myosin in the resing state
Troponin C has 4 calcium binding sites
Question Fifteen
About the ABO and rhesus (rh) blood system;
A person with of blood group O is a universal donor
A person who is blood groups AB has anti A and anti B antibodies
The presence of the D antigen means that the subject is rh positive
Rhesus antibodies occur naturally
The second rhesus positive baby of a rh negative mother is at a greater risk than the first
Question Sixteen
Concerning ant diuretic hormone(ADH) function
ADH increases the permeability of the distal convoluted and collecting tubules
The most potent stimulant for ADH release is an increase in blood osmolarity
A fall in blood pressure stimulates ADH release
Inappropriate secretion of ADH leads to a condition called diabetes mellitus
ADH is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland
Question Seventeen
Accessory organs of the skin include;
Pain receptors
Sweat glands
Question Eighteen
Functions of vitreous humor include;
Transmits light between the cornea and the lens
Holds neural retina against the pigmented retina
Holds the iris against the lens
Contributes to intracranial pressure
Vascularizes the retina
Question Nineteen
Component of the respiratory membrane include;
Plasma membrane of the alveolar cell
Plasma membrane of the red blood cell
Plasma membrane of the capillary endothelial cell
Pleural membrane
Fused basal laminae of the alveolar and the capillary endothelial cells
Question Twenty
Blood vessels that bring deoxygenated blood directly to the heart include
Pulmonary vein
Pulmonary artery
Inferior vena cava
Superior vena cava
Coronary veins
SECTION B: Short answer question
Question Twenty One
Explain the following
Pulmonary pressures
Factors affecting hemoglobin affinity for oxygen
Pulmonary circulation system
Factors that aid venous return
Interstitial fluid volume
Question Twenty Two
Describe the following;
The enterior chamber of the eye
The middle ear
Glands found in the skin
Question Twenty Three
Five functions of the kidneys
Five functions of the lungs
Five components of non-specific immunity
Five accessory structures of the eye
Five causes of oedema
SECTION C: Long answer questions
Question Twenty Four
In relation to the eye:
Describe refraction of light
Discuss errors of refraction
Question Twenty Five
Discuss the role of the kidneys and the lungs in acid-base balance (25mks)
Question Twenty Six
Describe non-specific immunity (25mks)
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