Human Physiology Ii (Hsci 109) Question Paper

Human Physiology Ii (Hsci 109) 

Course:Nursing Sciences

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer all questions
SECTION I: Multiple choice questions, circle the single most correct answer

Question one
The auditory cortex is found in which one of the following lobes
Frontal lobe
Occipital lobe
Temporal lobe
Parietal lobe

Question Two
Which of the following is not a subdivision of the brain?
Brain stem
Canda Equina

Question Three
The dorsal columns of the spinal cord?
Contain descending fibres
Contain cell bodies of sensory neurons
Contain ascending fibres
Are a part of the gray matter

Question Four
The withdrawal reflex is an example of
A somatic reflex
An autonomic reflex
Monosynaptic reflex
Proprioceptive reflex

Question Five
Which of the following is a purely sensory cranial nerve?

Question Six
What is the neurotransmitters at the sympathetic autonomic ganglia

Question Seven
Which of the following locations contains bipolar neurons
Dorsal root ganglion
Muscle spindle
Merkel’s disc

Question Eight
The all body of the preganglionic neuron is found in the
Prevertebral autonomic ganglion
Paravertebral autonomic ganglion
Cranial nerve ganglia
Brain or spinal cord

Question Nine
The maculae (uticle and saccule) are receptors for
Vertical and horizontal movement
Rotational movement

Question Ten
Concerning the resting membrane potential
The outside of the cell is negative relative to the inside
The origin is the differential permeability of chloride ions
Does not change polarity during an action potential
There is a higher concentration of K+ in the intracellular space

Question Eleven
In which of the following organs is multi unit smooth muscle found?
Urinary bladder
Stomach wall
Duodenal wall

Question Twelve
Which of the following is a heat loss mechanism?
Cutaneous vasoconstriction
Cutaneous vasodilatation

Question Thirteen
Which of the following antibodies is involved in an allergic reaction?

Question Fourteen
Which of the following is an example of passive artificial immunity?
rabies antiserum
BCG vaccination
influenza vaccine

Question Fifteen
The hormone primarily responsible for water regulation in the kidney is
Antidiuretic hormone/vasopressin
Angiotensin II

SECTION II: Short answer question, answer all question (25mks)

Question One
List the cranial nerve nuclei found in the medulla oblongata (5mks)

Question Two
Outline the components of the stretch reflex (5mks)

Question Three
List the five taste modalities and the type of receptors for each (5mks)

Question Four
Draw a well labeled diagram of a cross section of the spinal cord (10mks)

SECTION III: Long answer questions; answer all questions (30mks)

Question One
Discuss the genesis of the action potential (15mks)

Question Two
Discuss the autonomic nervous system (ANS) under the following subtopics
Functional subdivision of the ANS
The neurotransmitters of the sympathetic nervous system
The methods of termination of action of neurotransmitters in the ANS
The effect of the parasympathetic system on the eye, salivary glands, gastrointestinal system, urinary bladder and penis
The effect of the sympathetic system on the heart, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, urinary bladder and penis

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