Physiology (Hsci 108) Question Paper

Physiology (Hsci 108) 

Course:Nursing Sciences

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Instructions: Answer all questions in section A, B and C in the answer booklet
SECTION A: Multiple choice question, each question has five responses. Indicate the correct ones with a tick and incorrect one with ones with a cross(x)

Question one
Originate form precursor cells in lymph modes
Are phagocytes
Migrate form blood into the tissues
Can transform into tissues macrophages
Manufacture immunoglobin M

Question Two
Comprises about 7% of body weight
Comprises a higher percentage of body weight in obese people than in thin people
Volume can be calculated by multiplying plasma volume by haemoglobin concentration
Volume rises when water is drunk
Which has clotted releases serum

Question Three
Human cell membranes
Are impermeable to fat soluble substances
Are more permeable to sodium than to potassium
In skeletal muscle have their permeability to glucose altered in the presence of insulin

Question Four
Osmolability of (25mks)
A solution determines its freezing point
Intracellular fluid is twice that of extracellular fluid
1.8% Na,CL equals that of normal plasma
5% dextrose solution is about five times that of 0.9% saline
Plasma is due mainly to its protein content

Question Five
For blood clothing to occur normally (2.5mks)
Heparin must be in activated
Calcium ions must be present
Plasminogen must be activated
These must be an adequate intake of vitamin K
There must be an adequate intake of vitamin C

Question Six
Causes increased excitability of nerve and muscle
Its caused by chronic renal failure
Increases the risk of stone formation in the urinary tract
Is a results of decreased parathyroid activity
Is a result of reduced plasma protein level

Question Seven
Activity in sympathelic nerves to the heart increase
During exercise
During excitemtent
Reflexly when arteraial pressure falls below normal
Whenever parasympathetic tone to the heart falls
As part of the vagovagal reflex

Question Eight
Left ventricular muscle contractility
Depends on the end diastolic ventricular filling pressure
Is enhanced by increased serum potassium
Is reduced by low blood calcium level
In increased during strenuous exercise
Increased when peripheral resistance is increased

Question Nine
Cardiac output
is expressed as the combine outputs of both ventricles
Need not increase when heart rate raised
Rises when a standing subject lies down
Is decreased in a hot environment
Cannot be varied after the heart is denervated.

Question Ten
Caused loss of consciousness due to cerebral ischaemia
May be cerebral in origin
May be cardiac in origin
Is more likely in a cold than in a hot environment
Results form sympathetive vasoconstriction in skeletal muscle

Question Eleven
Carbon dioxide is carried in blood
in combination with haemoglobin
in combination with plasma proteins
in physical solution in plasma
by the red blood cells to a greater extent than by the plasma
as bicarbonate ions which account for about half of the total

Question Twelve
A shift of the oxygen dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin to the right
Occurs in pulmonary capillaries
Is favoured by a rise in temperature
Favours the passage of oxygen from alveoli to blood
Causes the pressure at half saturation (950) to increase
Favours the passage of oxygen from blood to tissues

Question Thirteen
The liver cells can
correct amino acids into glucose
store iron
inactivate certain toxins derived from food
inactivate certain drugs
inactivate certain hormones by conjugation

Question Fourteen
Absorption of dietary fat
requires both bile salts and lipase
takes place in intestinal lymphatic’s but not into blood capillaries
is required for absorption of vitamin D
is required for normal synthesis of blood clotting factors

Question Fifteen
Smooth muscle
contracts when stretched
is usually paralysed when its nerve supply is cut
expends little energy relative to skeletal muscle
contains myofilaments
contains actin and myosin

SECTION B: Short answer questions

Question Sixteen
Describe the functions of microtubules in a cell

Question Seventeen
Distinguish between lysosomes and peroxisomes

Question Eighteen
Describe the secondary active transport mechanism

Question Nineteen
Define the term "graded potential"
Explain how a graded potential is established

Question Twenty
Explain how you can measure the interstitial fluid volume of a person
Question Twenty One
Describe the process of smooth muscle contractions

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