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Production To Food And Beverage Production (Dhtm 018)  Question Paper

Production To Food And Beverage Production (Dhtm 018)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer question one and any other two questions

Question one
As the chef of ABC restaurant, you are required to advice the management on consideration thy have to put in place as thy expand their kitchen (15mks)
Give five reasons why the kitchen should be organized

Question Two
List any five duties of chef de cuisine
Kitchen hygiene seeks to ensure clean environment for the production of whole food. Discuss areas that it involves

Question Three
Discuss three causes of accidents in the kitchen (6mks)
As a sous chef you are required to carry out on the job training to the kitchen staff. The area of training is prevention of accidents from knives. What would you include in your training

Question four
Explain five factors to consider when using gas
Explain five advantages of using gas as a fuel

Question five
Distinguish between radiation and conduction
Highlight general rules to consider when shallow frying
Give four reasons for coating deep trying food

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