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Marketing Principles In Hospitality And Tourism Industry (Dhtm 046)  Question Paper

Marketing Principles In Hospitality And Tourism Industry (Dhtm 046)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Attempt question one and any other three.
Question One
There are various characteristics of hospitality products that broadly affect their marketing. With relevant examples, briefly discuss these characteristics.
(10 marks)
Define ’market positioning’ and ’market.’
(2 marks)
Discuss five promotion tools.
(10 marks)
Briefly explain two examples of company objectives influencing pricing decisions.
(4 marks)
The marketing environment is made up of a micro environment and a macro environment. Define and give two examples of each.
(4 marks)

Question Two
The marketing concept is a more recent business philosophy and one that is being rapidly adopted in the hospitality industry. Discuss the pillars on which this concept tests. (10 marks)

Question Three
With the help of a well-illustrated diagram, discuss the various stages a product is likely to go through in a market. (10 marks)

Question Four
Kenya Methodist University Hospitality students want to open a restaurant in town. They were tasked to identify and group their likely customers. Discuss some of the ways in which they would use to group these clients. (10 marks)

Question Five
Before a customer makes a buying decision; there are various stages he follows. Discuss the consumer buying decision making process with use of relevant examples. (10 marks)

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