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Food And Beverage Control (Dhtm 048)  Question Paper

Food And Beverage Control (Dhtm 048)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any three questions.
Question One-
Define food and beverage control.
(2 marks)
List four information that is provided by sales mix.
(8 marks)
Explain five challenges of food and beverage control.
(10 marks)

Question Two
State four stages which are considered in food and beverage production control in reducing wastage.
(4 marks)
Explain five objectives of food and beverage production planning.

(10 marks)
Explain two aids to volume forecasting.
(6 marks)

Question Three
"Sales instability is inherent in almost all catering operations." Explain.
(5 marks)
Highlights methods of establishing standard portion sizes.
(6 marks)
Briefly discuss three broad phases of control system.
(9 marks)

Question Four
Explain five points to consider when controlling purchasing of food.

(10 marks)
Enumerate five roles of purchasing manager.
(10 marks)

Question Five
State five factors to bear in mind when rating suppliers.
(10 marks)
Explain advantages of purchasing by cash and carry.
(10 marks)

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