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Community Nutrition, Surveillance And Assessment (Dhtm 058) Question Paper

Community Nutrition, Surveillance And Assessment (Dhtm 058) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any four questions.
Question One
Explain three indicators of nutritional status of a community.
(3 marks)
Explain the classification of malnutrition.
(3 marks)
Discuss malnutrition in East Africa. To include
(9 marks)
Causes of malnutrition
How malnutrition can be curbed

Question Two
Explain the link between population and nutrition.
(3 marks)
Briefly explain why the "rule of three" is not followed when preparing family meals.
(6 marks)
Using illustrations, explain how balanced community meals are planned.
(6 marks)

Question Three
Discuss Kenya’s food policy.
(8 marks)
How would you rate Kenya’s Agricultural performance? Give reasons for your answer.
(2 marks)
Explain how Kenya’s food policy can be improved.
(5 marks)

Question Four
Explain the purpose of growth monitoring and promotion (GMP). (5 marks)
Using a clear well labeled graph, explain the following:
Reference line
3rd percentile line
97th percentile line
Range of health weight.
Underweight range
Overweight range.
(10 marks)

Question Five
Explain three types of feeding programmes.
(3 marks)
Discuss he activities that take place in a feeding programmes.
(6 marks)
Explain six problems of feeding programmes.

Question Six
Explain why diet history of a patient is important when offering nutritional counseling.
(3 marks)
Discuss an organization that deals with community food.
(7 marks)
Briefly explain how people develop food habits.
(5 marks)

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