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Management And Leadership Principles(Dhtm 024) Question Paper

Management And Leadership Principles(Dhtm 024) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer any four questions
Question One
Define the term management in reference to at least three scholars. (3mks)
Describe the features of a bureaucratic organizations.

Question Two
Differentiate a manager and a leader.
Describe the functions of a leaders.

Question Three
Explain the three main leadership styles.
Describe the Maslow’s need priority model.

Question Four
Briefly describe any three leadership theories.
Explain the benefits of planning in an organization.

Question Five
Explain the following terms
Describe any three advantages and disadvantages of internal recruitment of employees.
Explain any five importance of keeping personnel records.

Question Six
Describe the factors an employee should consider in determining the amount of salary or wages to be paid to employees.
Explain any three sources of job recruitment.

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