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Marketing Principles In Hospitality And Tourism(Dhtm 046)  Question Paper

Marketing Principles In Hospitality And Tourism(Dhtm 046)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer any four questions.
Question One
Define marketing.
State and explain the universal functions of marketing.
Discuss types of markets.

Question Two
List ways to measure customer satisfaction.
Define segmentation.
State and explain the criteria for market segmentation.

Question Three
What are the characteristics of a niche market?
Discuss micro-environment factors and macro-environment factors affecting market strategy.
Define promotion.

Question Four
Discuss the importance of marketing in an economy.
List the factors to consider when selecting marketing intermediaries. (4mks)
Describe general pricing approaches.

Question Five
Define product differentiation.
Discuss ways in which product differentiation may occur in a company.
Describe the nature of tourism distribution strategy.

Question Six
With the aid of a diagram describe the product life cycle. (15mks)

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