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Introduction To Psychology(Educ 213) Question Paper

Introduction To Psychology(Educ 213) 

Course:Education And Counseling

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other FOUR Questions

Question 1
a) Identify and describe the 5 schools of though that have significantly contributed to the growth of psychology. (10marks)
b) Using relevant examples, distinguish between the following pairs of terms: i) Dependent and independent variables. ii) Null and substantive hypotheses. (2marks)
c) Describe 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of each of the following methods of inquiry in psychology.
i) Observation techniques
ii) Field-study method
iii) Life-history method
iv) Experimetal method (2marks)

Question 2
a) Explain the term ‘non-disjunction’. (1mark)
b) Describe 2 characteristics of each of the following conditions:
i) Trisomy XXY
ii) Turner`s syndrome
iii) Down`s syndrome (2marks)
c) Discuss the procedure you would use to study the relative influence of heredity and environment in the development of human traits (3marks)

Question 3
a) What is absolute threshold, and why are we not influenced by stimuli below it? (2marks)
b) What function does sensory adaptation serve? (2marks)
c) How do perceptual constancies help us to organize our sensations into meaningful perceptions? (2marks)
d) Describe 2 principles of perceptual organization (2marks)
e) What type of extrasensory perception have been proposed by parapsychologists? (2marks)

Question 4
a) What is classical conditioning and how does it demonstrate learning by association? (2marks) b) Describe the processes of the following terminologies of learning:
i) Extinction
ii) Spontaneous revovery
iii) Generalization
v) Discrimination (4marks)
c) What are the basic types of reinforcers? (2marks)
d) How does punishment affect behavior? (2marks)

Question 5
a) Illustrate the Motivation cycle. (2marks)
b) Distinguish between physiological any psychological motives. (2marks)
c) Explain the relevance of socially oriented motives in a learning environment. (2marks)
d) Illustrate Maslow`s Hierarchy of human needs. (2marks)
e) Identify four agents of motivation in your environment (2marks)

Question 6
a) Discuss the 3 sources of frustration (3marks)
b) Describe the mechanism behind the 4 types of conflicts. (4marks)
c) Define the term defense mechanism and describe one short-term and one long- term defense mechanism. (3marks)

Question 7
a) What are the major characteristics of a psychotic person? (2marks)
b) Describe two types of psychosis. (2marks)
c) Explain the 6 types of neurosis. (6marks)

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