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Curriculum Development And Design(Educ 300)  Question Paper

Curriculum Development And Design(Educ 300)  

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Question One
Outline any five functions of the Kenya Institute of Education (KIE).
(5 Marks)

Describe the place of Tyler’s curriculum design model in the school curriculum.
(15 Marks)

Question Two
Give an account of the following stages in curriculum development process.
Information gathering.
(4 Marks)
(4 Marks)

Explain the term curriculum evaluation and show the criteria for the evaluation process.
(14 Marks)

Question Three
Explain the following concepts as used in curriculum design.
(15 marks)
Give five reasons why subject centered curriculum designs are very popular.
(5 Marks)

Question Four
Discuss the elements of the school curriculum. (20 Marks)

Question Five
The 8.4.4 system of education has been faced by myriad challenges since its inception. Justify the validity of this statement. (20 Marks)

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