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Agriculture Special Subject Methods(Educ 320) Question Paper

Agriculture Special Subject Methods(Educ 320) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Instructions: ATTEMPT Question TWO and any other THREE Question in the Paper.
Question One
State the importance of translating course objectives into specific objectives in classroom practice.
(6 Marks)
Explain FOUR various aspects of the syllabus that are important in the drawing of schemes of work.
(4 Marks)
Name FIVE features of a lesson plan that are critical in the achievement of specific objectives.
(5 Marks)

Question Two
A teacher is handling the topic crop production (Inorganic fertilizers) on importance of fertilizer application.
Draw a scheme of work for a single demonstration lesson.
(7 Marks)
Prepare an out-door demonstration lesson plan for the single lesson.
(8 Marks)

Question Three
Compare and contrast brief lecture and informal lecture as distinct methods of teaching agriculture at secondary school level.
(8 Marks)
Discuss the steps a teacher can take to convert a normal classroom to an agriculture workshop
. (4 Marks)
Cite THREE modes that can be applied in assessing project work in the area of organic farming.
(3 Marks)

Question Four
Describe the group managerial skill in managing classroom environment.
(8 Marks)
Elaborate on how momentum, overlapping can be used as intervention measures in dealing with discipline.
(4 Marks)
Mention THREE practical approaches to take in revising for national examinations that greatly reduces indiscipline and maximize learning.

(3 Marks)
Question Five
Use of realia and hands on experience resources helps learners understanding of concepts. Comment.
(6 Marks)

State specific methods a teacher can employ in the use of class textbooks and samples of past examinations papers in agriculture to cultivate interest and improve examination results.
(5 Marks)
Explain FOUR criteria which are learner-centred in choosing a class textbook.
(4 Marks)

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