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Education Management And Leadership(Educ 415) Question Paper

Education Management And Leadership(Educ 415) 

Course:Education And Counseling

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010



Question 1
a) Outline any SIX functions of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) in relation to the administration of education in Kenya (6marks)
b) Discuss in detail any four different roles the Head Teacher plays in the administration of Primary School Education (8marks)
c) What is the primary reason for the establishment of the Teachers Service Commission (T.S.C)? (1mark)

Question 2
a) Explain exhaustively the Six key components of the administrative process relating them to education administration in Kenya today (12marks)
b) Define the term LEADERSHIP (3marks)

Question 3
a) Discuss FOUR factors of the situation that determine leadership behavior and performance under the situational theory of leadership (8marks)
b) Effective and Efficient Administration is dependent on good communication practices. Explain, any FOUR ways that can be used to facilitate sending skills in an administrative unit (4marks)
c) Outline any THREE media of communication in a school set up (3marks)

Question 4
a) The Teachers Service Commission (T.S.C) was established by an Act of parliament Cap 212 of the laws of Kenya. What six things does the Act of Parliament mandate the T.S.C to do? (6marks) b) The Teachers Service Commission does not serve the best interest of the Kenyan Teacher. Give four reasons that qualify this statement. (4marks)
c) Explain any FIVE functions of Parents Teachers Association (P.T.A) in relation to the administration of Secondary Schools in Kenya today. (5marks)

Question 5
a) Provide FOUR clear distinctions between Mcgregor`s Theories “Y” and “X” of motivation (4marks)
b) Write brief notes on each of the following types of power.
i) Coercive power
ii) Referent power
iii) Expert power (6marks)
c) Indiscipline in schools is a matter that continues to raise concern not among teachers but also among parents and the community at large. Discuss Five realistic solutions to cases of indiscipline in Kenyan Schools. (5marks)

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