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Education Management And Leadership(Educ 415)  Question Paper

Education Management And Leadership(Educ 415)  

Course:Education And Counseling

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (COMPULSORY) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Outline four functions of work in any given society. (4marks)
b) Define the following concepts in the context of school management
i) Discipline
ii) Co ordination
iii) Delegation
iv) Capacity building
v) Supervision (5marks)
c) State and explain three types of authority as advocated by Max Weber. (3marks)
d) State and explain three main leadership styles. (3marks)
e) Name and give the main functions of 3 semi autonomous Government Agencies in the Ministry of Education. (6marks)
f) State and explain four goals of education in Kenya (4marks)
g) Name two renowed human theorists. (2marks)
h) State and explain the first three stages in the process of management. (3marks)

Question 2
a) State and explain Henry Fayols 14 principles/elements of management (7marks)
b) Discuss the application classical/scienctific theories of management to educational institutions. (8marks)
Question 3
a) State two roles of each of the following members of the ministry of Education
i) Permanent Secretary
ii) Board of Governors (2marks)
b) Discuss the significance of following documents in the financial accounting process
i) Budget
ii) B.O.G minutes
iii) Receipts (3marks)
c) State five sources of revenue in the public educational institutions. (5marks)
d) Discuss the principles of budgeting in school financial management. (5marks)

Question 4
a) Discuss the specific roles of a Head teacher in the management of schools in Kenya today (6marks)
b) Discuss the procedure that should be followed in the administration of discipline in schools today. (6marks)
c) State and explain (2) two demerits of T.S.C AS A Sole employer of teachers in Kenya today. (2marks)

Question 5
a) What is the meaning of the following concepts in the context of educational management
i) communication
ii) motivation (2marks)
b) What are the four functions of communication (4marks)
c) Discuss the methods that managers can use to make communication more effective.(5marks)
d) Briefly explain any two theories of motivation (4marks)

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