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312/1 Geography Question Paper

312/1 Geography 


Institution: Form 4 Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010



a) This paper consist of two sections A and B
b) Answer all the questions in section A, in section B answer question 6 and any other two questions.
c) All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.
d) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed and that no questions are missing.

Answer all the questions in this section
1. (a) Identify three mountain building periods (3mks)
(b) Give two examples of volcanic ejected rocks (2mks)
2. (a) Give two reasons why there is no vegetation on top of mount Kenya (2mks)
(b) Give three characteristics of the vegetation found in the Nyika plateau (3mks)
3. (a) (i) What do you call the rate of 0.6oc / 100m ascent at which temperature decreases with altitude in the lower atmosphere? (1mk)
(ii) Give two reasons to justify the statement that ‘the higher we go the cooler it becomes’ in the atmosphere (2mks)
(b) Explain two ways on how latitude determine the temperature of different places on the earth’s surface (2mks)
4. (a) Name the mode of formation of the following lakes (3mks)
(i) Lake Victoria
(ii) Lake Nasser on R. Nile
(iii) Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana
(b) Give two ways in which a lake may influence the climate of the surrounding area? (2mks)
5. The diagram below shows the island surrounded by coral formations

(a) Name the feature marked X (1mk)
(b) Explain the formation of feature X (4mks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions in this section
6. Study the map of Belgut 1:50000 (sheet 117/3) provided and answer the following questions
(a) (i) Give the six figure grid reference of the road junction near Marumbasi (2mks)
(ii) Measure the length of the all weather road from the junction at the grid reference 2456 to Marumbasi junction at the grid reference 2854 (2mks)
(b) (i) What is the longitudinal extent of the area covered by the map? (1mk)
(ii) Draw a rectangle 6cm by 10cm from 4048 to 4548 and 4551 to 4051. On the rectangle mark and name;
(i) Jamji forest (2mks)
(ii) All weather roads bound surface (2mks)
(iii) River Haze (2mks)
(iv) Identify three physical features along River Haze (3mks)
(c) (i)What is the bearing of the trigonometrically station at the grid square 2952 from the air photo principle point at 3456. (2mks)
(ii) What evidence shows that the area receive heavy rainfall (3mks)
(d) Identify, giving evidence three economic activities carried out in the area covered by the map (6mks)

7. (a) (i) What is vulcanicity? (2mks)
(ii) Name three causes of vulcanicity (3mks)
(b) (i) Briefly describe the formation of intrusive volcanic land forms (5mks)
(ii) Using well labeled diagram explain how the following intrusive feature are formed.
Dyke (6mks)
Sill (6mks)
(c) Explain three negative significance of vulcanicity to human activities (6mks)
8. (a) (i) Distinguish between soil profile and soil catena (2mks)
(ii) Give two characteristics of soil in the zone of eluviations and two characteristics in the zone of illuviation (4mks)
(b) (i) What is the significance of humus in the soil? (4mks)
(ii) Explain how any three components of soil determine the colour of soil (6mks)
(c) (i) What is soil degeneration (1mk)
(ii) Explain two natural and two man – made ways in which soil may experience degeneration (8mks)
9. (a) (i) Identify two processes of wind erosion (2mks)
(ii) Name two features formed by wind erosion in deserts. (2mks)
(b) Using a well labeled diagram explain how barchan is formed (6mks)
(c) State four significance of desert land forms (4mks)
(d) You carried out a field study on the Chalbi desert
(i) Why would you require a route map? (3mks)
(ii) During your study you realized that the area experiences acute water shortage. What recommendations would you give the government to alleviate this problem (3mks)
(iii) What problems are you likely to encounter in the field? (5mks)
10. (a) State four causes of mechanical weathering (4mks)
(b) (i) Describe the carbonation process of chemical weathering (3mks)
(ii) Name two rocks that can be weathered through the carbonation process (2mks)
(iii) Name two features that can be formed on the earth’s surface as the carbonation process of weathering takes place (2mks)
(c) (i) What is an exfoliation dome? (1mk)
(ii) Explain how an exfoliation dome is formed (3mks)
(d) Explain three ways in which weathering positively influence man’s activities and two negative effects of weathering. (10mks)

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