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Introduction To Psychology(Educ 213) Question Paper

Introduction To Psychology(Educ 213) 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer any FOUR Questions

Question 1
a) Discuss at least 3 perspectives in the study of behavior and mental processes. (6marks)
b) Describe the main themes of any 3 branches of modern psychology. (6marks)
c) Compare and contrast the following scientific methods of gathering information: Case studies and Experimental method. (3marks)

Question 2
a) Explain 2 examples of inherited traits. (4marks)
b) What is the role of environment in human development? (7marks)
c) Analyze the nature – nurture controversy. (4marks)

Question 3
a) Illustrate the process of sensory adaptation with relevant examples. (3marks)
b) Discuss the following perceptual constancies.
i) Shape Constancy
ii) Size Constancy
iii) Brightness Constancy
iv) Colour Constancy (8marks)
c) Explain 4 factors that influence perception. (4marks)

Question 4
a) Compare and contrast classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning giving relevant examples in a classroom situation. (8marks)
b) Analyze punishment in schools. What should be considered before administering it?(7marks)

Question 5
a) Describe the motivation cycle with relevant examples. (7marks)
b) Identify the relevance of prestige and affiliative motives in a learning Environment.(8marks)

Question 6
a) Outline the following sources of frustrations:
i) Environmental obstacles
ii) Personal obstacles
iii) Conflicts (9marks)
b) State with relevant examples 3 symptoms of psychotic behavior. (6marks)

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