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Curriculum Design And Development(Educ 300) Question Paper

Curriculum Design And Development(Educ 300) 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer any THREE Questions

Question 1
a) Define the term curriculum. (2marks)
b) Give FIVE reasons why instructional objectives are important to a teacher. (5marks)
c) Outline any THREE objectives of the Kenya Institute of Education as Kenya`s sole curriculum development and research centre. (3marks)
d) Discuss in detail the Curriculum Development Process. (10marks)

Question 2
a) Explain FIVE implications of Curriculum changes to curriculum planning. (5marks)
b) What THREE very important roles does summative Evaluation serve? (3marks)
c) Define the term Curriculum Implementation. (2marks)
d) Briefly explain the following concepts as used in relation to organization of curriculum content. Give relevant examples to support your answers.
i) Scope
ii) Continuity
iii) Sequence
iv) Integration
v) Balance (10marks)

Question 3
a) List any TWO recommendations of the Presidential working party on Education and Manpower Training for the next decade and beyond (1988). (2marks)
b) Discuss in detail the FIVE basic principles of curriculum designs. (10marks)
c) Explain Ralph Tyler`s (1949) linear model of Curriculum development closely relating it to education practice in Kenya. (8marks)

Question 4
a) What THREE areas are considered in the criteria of comprehensiveness as used in evaluation? (3marks)
b) Outline any FIVE advantages of a subject- centred Curriculum Design. (5marks)
c) Define the term Validity as used in the context of clarification of curriculum goals and objectives. (2marks)
d) Discuss FIVE reasons why curriculum developers should study the learners in order to come up with curriculum objectives. (10marks)

Question 5
a) Provide brief notes on the following types of curriculum. Illustrate your answers using appropriate examples.
i) Formal curriculum
ii) Informal curriculum
iii) Non-formal curriculum
iv) Emerging curriculum (8marks)
b) Explain any FIVE roles of Local Curriculum Development centers. (5marks)
c) What TWO differences exist between Curriculum Goals and Curriculum objectives? (2marks)
d) Highlight the THREE main purposes of Curriculum Evaluation. (3marks)
e) Define the term “Educational Aim”. (2marks)

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