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Introduction To Educational Psychology(Educ 213)  Question Paper

Introduction To Educational Psychology(Educ 213)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and nay other two questions.
Question One
Explain the following terms as used in educational psychology:
Educational psychology.
(6 Marks)

State and briefly explain the goals of psychology.
(4 Marks)

State and explain any five branches of education psychology.
(10 Marks)

Question Two
Identify and explain five factors that can affect learner’s perception.
(10 Marks)

Define the term learning and explain four ways in which human beings learn.
(10 Marks)

Question Three
State and explain five factors that influence attitude formation.
(10 Marks)

Explain five factors that determine personality.
(10 Marks)

Question Four
Using relevant examples identify and briefly explain any five defense mechanisms used to safeguard against threats or danger to personality.
(10 Marks)

Explain Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation.
(10 Marks)

Question Five
Citing relevant examples, differentiate between classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
(4 Marks)

State four causes of stress and explain the effects they may have on learners.
(8 Marks)

Explain four control measures that can be used to cope with or manage stress.
(8 Marks)

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