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Education Psychology (Educ 214)  Question Paper

Education Psychology (Educ 214)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer any four questions
Question One
What is educational psychology?
(3 marks)
How will learning about educational psychology help you become a better teacher.
(12 marks)

Question Two
Discuss Erik Erikson’s eight stages of Psychosocial Development. (15 marks)

Question Three
Discuss the importance of becoming a better teacher by becoming a reflective teacher. (15 marks)

Question Four
Discuss how you will apply Piagets theory of cognitive development in the classroom setting. (15 marks)

Question Five
Discuss the basic principles of B.F. skinners theory of operant conditioning. (15 marks)

Question Six
Discuss how you will apply the operant conditioning principles in the classroom setting. (15 marks)

Question Seven
Define the following terms according to Albert Bandura self-control, self-regulation and self-efficiency.
(3 marks)
Explain Albert Bandura’s Triadic Reciprocal Sensation Model (Personal Characteristics, Behaviour Patterns and Environmental Factor) and how these factors affect learning.
(12 marks)

Question Eight
Outline the three domains of the Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy. (3 marks)
Discuss the six level of cognitive domain according to Benjamin Bloom.
(12 marks)

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