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Education Leadership And Management (Educ 415) Question Paper

Education Leadership And Management (Educ 415) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer any three questions
Question One
Discuss the four principles of scientific management and highlight their implications to today’s educational institutions.
(8 marks)
Discuss at least six management principles by Henry Fayol and their implications to today’s educational institutions.
(12 marks)

Question Two
Discuss the four functions of management extensively giving examples.
(12 marks)
"Leaders are born not made." Discuss this assertion in relation to the traits theory of leadership.
(8 marks)

Question Three
Discuss the Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs motivation theory and highlight its implication or application in the educational institutions in Kenya.
(12 marks)
Elton Mayo’s human relations theory is the backbone of all the other motivational theories. Discuss this assertion in relation to two contemporary motivation theories.
(8 marks)

Question Four
What are the leadership roles of a head teacher in relation to the Henry Mintzberg’s roles of a leader?
(12 marks)
Discuss the situational theory of leadership.
(8 marks)

Question Five
Discuss theory X and Y and its implication to leadership.
(8 marks)
An education institution is a social system discuss this statement.
(12 marks)

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