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Agriculture Special Subject Methods(Educ 320) Question Paper

Agriculture Special Subject Methods(Educ 320) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer any four questions.
Question One
Discuss the importance of agriculture to Kenya and the problems hindering the development of agriculture. (15mks)

Question Two
Outline the reasons and requirement for conduction a demonstration lesson.
Describe how you would conduct a demonstration lesson.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the above method in teaching of Agriculture lesson.

Question Three
What is the purpose of a scheme of work in teaching of Agriculture. (5mks)
Prepare a scheme of work for week one only on the topic soil. (10mks)

Question Four
Name six learning resources used in teaching Agriculture. What are the benefits of such resources? (15mks)

Question Five
Discuss the importance of questions during a lesson.
What are the qualities of a good question?

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