Language Special Subject Methods (Educ 332) Question Paper
Language Special Subject Methods (Educ 332)
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
This paper comprise of two sections A & B which carry equal marks
Section A is English language while B is Kiswahili language
Answer two questions from each section
All questions carry equal marks.
Question One
Explain the importance of instructional planning for language teaching.
(10 marks)
Why is it important for the teacher to integrate the skills as they teach?
(5 marks)
Question Two
Describe the procedures of teaching reading in lower primary school.
(9 marks)
Explain two ways of testing vocabulary and language structures.
(6 marks)
Question Three
Imagine you are teaching the structure ’too + adjective + to +verb’ draw a lesson plan that you would use for this lesson.
(10 marks)
Why is it necessary for the teacher to have varied and interesting activities during the lesson presentation.
(5 marks)
Swali Nne
Taja mambo tano yanyomwongoza mwalimu wa Kiswahili katika uundaji wa mtihani.
(Al. 5)
Eleza jinsi mwalimu anavyoweza kufanikisha fungo la sarufi.
(Al. 10)
Swali Tano
Dhihirisha sifa tano za shabaha bora ya kufunzia.
(Al. 5)
Fafanua jinsi ufundishaji wa Kiswahili katika shule za msingi unavyofanikisha uafikiaji wa malengo ya elimu nchini.
(Al. 10)
Swali la Sita
Ainisha aina tano za changamoto zinazokumba ufundishaji wa Kiswahili hapa nchini.
(Al. 5)
Mwalimu wa Kiswahili anafaa kuongozwa na vigezo Fulani kuteulia nyenzo za kufunzia. Fafanua kauli kwa kurejelea vigezo tano.
(Al. 10)
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