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Agriculture Special Subject Methods(Educ 320)  Question Paper

Agriculture Special Subject Methods(Educ 320)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question one and any other three questions
Question One
Kenyan youth are increasingly getting disinterested in agriculture both as a subject in schools and as a practice
Discuss five factors that make the teaching of agriculture in schools difficult
(10 marks)
Discuss five factors that discourage youth from engaging in agriculture
(10 marks)
Discuss what can be done to encourage youth to engage in agriculture
(10 marks)
Agriculture should be made a compulsory subject in schools to encourage youths to get involved in the important subject and practice. Discuss.
(10 marks)

Question Two
You are planning to teach on the topic of ’nursery preparation.’ Students are supposed to practically carry out the exercise and monitor progress of the various nursery seedlings to the stage of transplanting. Discuss how you would implements this through the following subheading
Importance for nursery preparation
Stages of preparation
Why the practical method is more important to demonstrate this topic
The disadvantages of practical teaching
(20 marks)

Question Three
You are the form two agriculture teacher planning to teach on the topic of ’importance of fertilizers to plants" and sub-topic of nitrogen fertilizers.’ Prepare a forty minute lesson plan on the sub-topic indicating how you would go about delivering the topic (20 marks)

Question Four
Briefly discuss any five advantages of a good scheme of work in teaching agriculture
(5 marks)
By choosing any commodity or enterprise in agriculture, briefly prepare a scheme of work to deliver a topic deliver a topic on ’agriculture marketing’ for one month
(15 Marks)

Question Five
Discuss five reasons why the interactive session between the teacher and students is very important in any lesson plan?
(5 marks)
Discuss the importance of a good wrap up session in a lesson
(5 marks)
Discuss with example what is a record of work in agricultural topic.
(10 marks)

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