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Biology Special Subject Method(Educ 321) Question Paper

Biology Special Subject Method(Educ 321) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Question One
Describe the main features of the Kenyan secondary school syllabus
(12 Marks)
Discuss the general aims of teaching biology
(8 Marks)

Question Two
State the importance of scheming in teaching
(14 Marks)
Describe the process of scheming
(6 Marks)

Question Three
List the importances of a practical lesson
(5 Marks)
When should a practical method of instruction be used in a biology lesson
(4 Marks)
Explain the steps to be followed in a project method/investigation
(9 Marks)
State the types of field trips
(2 marks)

Question Four
List the values of a concept map in biology teaching
(8 Marks)
Discuss the factors to be put in consideration of making an aquarium
(7 marks)
Highlight the factors to be considered for organisms/specimen for selection
(5 marks)

Question Five
Describe the points to consider when setting a biology laboratory building orientation
(12 Marks)
Differentiate between a syllabus and a scheme of work
(8 Marks)

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