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Structural Biochemistry Question Paper

Structural Biochemistry 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Biochemistry

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2004





SECTION A: Attempt all questions.

1.(a) Explain where and how protein destination addresses are given in the cell.(5 marks)

(b) Describe the structure and biochemical functions of mitochondria in the cell.(5 marks)

2.Using specific example,define the following terms:

(a) Isoelectric point of amino acid.(2 marks)

(b) Polysaturated fatty acids.(2 marks)

(c) Disaccharide.(2 marks)

(d) Peptide.(2 marks)

(e) Nucleotide.(2 marks)

SECTION B: Attempt all questions.

3.(a) Using examples, discuss the structure and the biochemical roles of the three main classes of derived monosaccharides.(6 marks)

(b) (i) What are Glycosides? (1 mark)

(ii) Give two examples of glycosides and state their medical importance.(3 marks)

(c) Starch and glycogen are energy storage molecules in living organisms. Explain how their structures account for this function and describe how they are able to produce energy.(5 marks)

4.(a) Of the following amino acid residues;Methionine,Histidine,Arginine,Phenylalanine,Valine Glutamine acid;which would you expect to find;

(i) On the surface of the protein

(ii) In the interior of the protein

Explain your answers.(7 marks)

(b) Write short notes on structural levels of proteins.(8 marks)

5.(a) Given these molecular components: glycerol,Fatty acid,phosphate,long-chain alcohol and carbohydrate,answer the following.

(i) Which two are present in both waxes and sphingomyelin.(1 mark)

(ii) Which two are present in both fats and phosphatidylcholine?(1 marks)

(iii) Which are present in gangliosides but not in a fat.(1 mark)

(b) Write the structure,systematic and common name of the following fatty acids.

(i) 18:0(1.5 marks)

(ii) 18:2 (?9.12) (1.5marks)

(c) Which of the fatty acids in 5(b) has a higher melting point? Explain.(4 marks)

6.(a) Differentiate between a nucleoside and a nucleotide.(3 marks)

(b) Describe the double helical structure of DNA.(4 marks)

(c) Describe the types and the biochemical roles of RNA in living organisms.(3 marks)

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