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Introduction To Educational Psychology(Educ 213) (Educ 014) Question Paper

Introduction To Educational Psychology(Educ 213) (Educ 014) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer any three questions.
Question One
Define the following terms as used in educational psychology
Perceptional field
With the use of well illustrate examples explain any five laws or principles of learning.

Question Two
Describe classical conditioning theory developed by Luan Paulor. (10mks)
Explain five ways in which classical conditioning principles can be applied to teaching learning process in the classroom.

Question Three
(i) Differentiate between compliance and obedience.
ii) Identify six principles which influence to comply. (6mks)

Describe five ways in while a teacher can hold children change negative attitude.

Question Four
(i) Give one reason why Sigmund Frauds theory is called psychosexual.
ii) Define the term "fixation" used to describe four dilated behavior at different developmental stages as suggest by Freud. (9mks)
Explain five factors within the child that can influence his reception.

Question Five
Stress is common to children in school. Explain four factors within the child that can influence tolerance to stress.
As part of stress management teachers should guide children to adapt to stressor.
What does this mean?
Describe five ways a teacher can guide learners to adapt to stressors.

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