232/3 Physics Question Paper
232/3 Physics
Institution: Form 4 Mock question papers
Exam Year:2010
Name……………………………………………………………. Index No……………………………..
School…………………………………………………………… Candidate’s sign…………………….
Paper 3
July/August 2010
2½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 3
July/August 2010
2½ Hours
Instructions to candidates
1. Write your name, index number, school and date in the spaces provided above
2. Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above
3. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided
4. All writing must be clearly shown in the spaces provided
Question 1 b (i) b (ii) d e (i) e (ii) e (iii) TOTAL
Maximum score 1 1 7 5 3 3 20
Candidate’s score
Question 2 c e (i) e (ii) e (iii) h (i) h (ii) TOTAL
Maximum score 1 7 5 2 2 3 20
Candidate’s score
This paper consists of 8 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to
Ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
Question One
You are provided with the following:
- Two cells of 1.5V each
- Nichrome wire labeled W mounted on a metre rule
- An ammeter (0 – 1.5A) or (0 – 2.5A)
- A cell holder
- Voltmeter 0 – 5v
- 8 connecting wires atleast 4 with crocodile clips (or a jockey)
- A switch
- A metre rule
Proceed as follows:
(a) Connect the circuit as shown in the figure 1 below.
Figure 1
(b) (i) Connect the end of A and point B when AB = 100cm across the terminals as shown in the
figure 1 above.
Close the switch and measure both current I and p.d , V across the wire AB
Current I ______________ A (½mk)
P.d, V_________________ V (½mk)
(ii) Measure the emf of the cell, E = ________ V (1mk)
(c) Reduce the length AB as shown, 100cm, 70cm, 60cm, 50cm, 40cm, 30cm and 20cm. In each case record the current (I) and the corresponding values of p.d (V)
(d) Enter the length as shown in the table 1 below:
Table 1
Length AB (cm) 100 70 60 50 40 30 20
Current I (A)
p.d (V)
E – V (V)
(e) Complete the table (7mks)
(i) Plot a graph of (E – V) against I (A) (5mks)
(ii) Determine the gradient of the graph (3mks)
(iii) Given the equation, E = V + Ir, determine the internal resistance of each cell (3mks)
Question Two
Part A
You are provided with the following apparatus
- A wooden metre rule
- 10cm long cotton thread
- Masses, two of 10g and two of 20g
- Knife edge – 20cm high
Proceed as follows
(a) Arrange the apparatus a shown in figure 2 below
(b) Balance the metre rule on the knife edge and adjust the metre rule until it balances horizontally when there is no mass on it. The knife edge is now at the position of centre of gravity (cog)
(c) Record the position of (cog)
Position of c.o.g = ______________ cm (1mk)
Figure 2
(d) Now hang a mass on the metre rule by use of the thread at 1cm mark. Adjust the knife edge until the metre rule balances again at new mark. Record the length d1 and the corresponding length d2.
(i) Repeat the procedure for different masses and complete the table 2 shown below.
Table 2
Mass, m(g) 10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance d1 (cm)
Distance d2 (cm)
Mass (m) x distance d2
= md2
(ii) Plot a graph of md2 against d1 (5mks)
(iii) Calculate the slope s of the graph (2mks)
Part B
You are provided with the following apparatus
- A lens
- A lens holder
- A candle
- A white screen
- A metre rule
(f) Set up the apparatus a shown in the figure 3 below:
(g) Starting with u = 30cm adjust the position of the screen to obtain a sharp image of the candle. record value of V in the table shown below:
(h) (i) Repeat the procedure above for u = 20cm and complete table below:
Table 3
u cm v cm M =
(ii) Given that the focal length of the lens satisfies the equation, determine the
average value of the focal length (3mks)
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